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But Kukubenko had already left him, and was forcing his way, with his Nezamaikovsky kuren, towards another group. "He has left untouched rich plunder," said Borodaty, hetman of the Oumansky kuren, leaving his men and going to the place where the nobleman killed by Kukubenko lay. "I have killed seven nobles with my own hand, but such spoil I never beheld on any one."

Prompted by greed, Borodaty bent down to strip off the rich armour, and had already secured the Turkish knife set with precious stones, and taken from the foe's belt a purse of ducats, and from his breast a silver case containing a maiden's curl, cherished tenderly as a love-token.

He bowed his head in shame before the Cossacks at his nakedness, and at having been thus taken like a dog, while asleep. His hair had turned grey in one night. "Grieve not, Khlib: we will rescue you," shouted the Cossacks from below. "Grieve not, friend," cried the hetman Borodaty. "It is not your fault that they caught you naked: that misfortune might happen to any man.

All the candidates, on hearing their names mentioned, quitted the crowd, in order not to give any one a chance of supposing that they were personally assisting in their election. "Kirdyanga, Kirdyanga!" echoed more strongly than the rest. "Borodaty!" They proceeded to decide the matter by a show of hands, and Kirdyanga won. "Fetch Kirdyanga!" they shouted.

"Borodaty! let us make Borodaty our Koschevoi!" "We won't have Borodaty! To the evil one's mother with Borodaty!" "Shout Kirdyanga!" whispered Taras Bulba to several. "Kirdyanga, Kirdyanga!" shouted the crowd. "Borodaty, Borodaty! Kirdyanga, Kirdyanga! Schilo! Away with Schilo! Kirdyanga!"

When the Oumantzi heard that the hetman of their kuren, Borodaty, was no longer among the living, they deserted the field of battle, rushed to secure his body, and consulted at once as to whom they should select as their leader. At length they said, "But why consult?