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"Tell me about it," the sheik said, his face hardening and his fingers playing with the hilt of the long knife in his sash. Sidi related the whole adventure. The sheik stood stroking his beard gravely as Sidi spoke. His eyes turned from his son to Edgar. "Bishmillah!" he exclaimed, when the story was finished, "Allah must have sent you to be Sidi's protector.

"Bishmillah," the chief ejaculated, "but it is wonderful! It is true I should have been a dead man had your blade been opened, and your movement was so rapid that I could not have avoided it." "No, because you were not accustomed to it. Had you been an English boxer you would have leapt back as quickly as I leapt forward.

"You have overtaken him, El Bakhat, I see; Bishmillah, God be praised, we are safe from the trouble the treacherous dog would have brought upon us!" The sheik shook his head. "The son of Sheitan has escaped. We caught sight of him just at the edge of the desert, having ridden with scarce an hour's rest from the time we started.

And as for money, if thou hast gold, give him of it, and if not, give him silver; and if thou hast none, take no thought, for the freedom of the spirit is better than the obesity of the body." "Bishmillah! Thou speakest with the tongue of wisdom, old man," said Shere Ali; "nevertheless a few rupees " "Fear nothing," broke in Isaacs.