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After the bird-students the haymakers; and every time a man or a horse appeared in that field, the blackbird was thrown into utter despair, and the air rang with his lamentations.

Now it appeared that in tramping about the deep grass, where we bird-students dared not set our feet, he had nearly stepped on a bobolink, who flew, and thus pointed out her nest; and he had taken its bearings with the intention of putting us to shame. We looked long at the tiny trio so compactly packed in their cradle, till they awoke and demanded supplies.

So long as the crows stayed the redwing was frantic, his cries filled the air; and as they were almost constantly there, he was kept on the borders of frenzy most of the time. After the crows came the bird-students, with opera-glasses and spying ways.

With just the properly anxious, uneasy manner, she would steal behind a clump of leaves into some retired spot admirably adapted for a chat's nest, and after a moment sneak out at the other side, and fly away near the ground, exactly as all bird-students have seen bird mothers do a thousand times.

The red of his breast was continued in a narrow streak down through the white, as if the color had been put on wet, and had dripped at the point. The third tramp with my Enthusiast was after a warbler. To my fellow bird-students that tells a story.

In a pasture such as I have described, on the western slope of one of the Rocky Mountains, desolate and forbidding though it looked, many hours of last summer's May and June "went their way," if not "As softly as sweet dreams go down the night," certainly with interest and pleasure to two bird-students whose ways I have sometimes chronicled.