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Routier speaks of ankylosis of the tongue of seventeen years' duration. Jurist records such abnormal mobility of the tongue that the patient was able to project the tongue into the nasopharynx. Wherry and Winslow record similar instances. There have been individuals with bifid tongues, after the normal type of serpents and saurians, and others who possessed a supernumerary tongue. Rev.

In some cases, arbitrary numerical relations are introduced into the definition: thus, a leaf is called bilobate, when it is divided into two parts by a notch; but if the notch go to the middle of its length, it is bifid; if it go near the base of the leaf, it is bipartite; if to the base, it is bisect.

His ears are nearly a foot in length, asinine, broad, and slouching; his eyes are small; and his muzzle square, with a deep sulcus in the middle, which gives it the appearance of being bifid. The upper lip overhangs the under by several inches, and is highly prehensile. A long tuft of coarse hair grows out of an excrescence on the throat, in the angle between the head and neck.

There are a few instances recorded of bifid clitoris, and Arnaud cites the history of a woman who had a double clitoris. Secretain speaks of a clitoris which was in a permanent state of erection. Complete absence of the ovaries is seldom seen, but there are instances in which one of the ovaries is missing.

Nolde reports a cord 38 inches long; and Werner cites the instance of a funis 51 inches long. There are modern instances in which the funis has been bifid or duplex, and there is also a case reported in which there were two cords in a twin pregnancy, each of them measuring five feet in length.

These are: Hyperchiria io, a beautiful species mentioned in my report for the year 1879; Orgyia leucostigma, from ova received on December 29, 1880, from Madison, Wis., which hatched on the 27th of May, 1881. The pupae of this species are rough, and armed with small, sharp points at all the segments; the last segment having a thick, straight, and bifid tail.

Danthez speaks of the development of a fetus in spite of the absence of an umbilical cord. Stute reports an observation of total absence of the umbilical cord, with placental insertion near the cervix of the uterus. There is mentioned a bifid funis. The Ephemerides and van der Wiel speak of a duplex funis.

Each branch is, however, bifid or more commonly trifid towards the extremity, with the points blunt yet distinctly hooked. A tendril bends to any side which is lightly rubbed, and subsequently becomes straight again; but a loop of thread weighing 0.25th of a grain produced no effect.

All I can say is that for me, with my bifid temperament, one makes a rest from the other, and is so far refreshment and a renewal of energy. But I do not find women coming into my work in any effectual way." The doctor reflected further. "I suppose," he began and stopped short. He heard Sir Richmond move in his chair, creaking an interrogation.

The hoofs are bifid, and from a short stunted tail there arises a curved line which encircles the whole figure, connecting a series of round spots and terminating in a triangular figure with three parallel lines representing feathers. Perhaps the strangest of all appendages to this animal is at the tail, which is forked, recalling the tail of certain birds. Its meaning is unknown to me.