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Carara leaned languidly against the wall, took a match from his pocket, and dextrously struck it between the nails of his thumb and finger. He breathed his lungs full of smoke and exhaled it through his nose. "I would have spik to you biffore, but the Senor Fat is" he shrugged his shoulders "frighten' so bad he will not understan'. So I come back." "Who's scared?" said Glass, gruffly.

Now, of course, it is too bad he is injure' wit' the clob of the policeman; but those officer is ver' polite, senor, and if he is explain biffore " Weeks snorted indignantly. "He gave you that fairy tale, eh? He said his name was Anthony and his father was a railroad president, didn't he?

"I thought I had a load this morning, but I'd hate to swap packs with you," he said. The Frenchman flashed him a smile which exposed a row of teeth snow-white against his tan. "Ho! You're stronger as me. I see you plenty tams biffore." This was indeed agreeable praise, and Pierce showed his pleasure. "Oh no!" he modestly protested. "I'm just getting broken in."

As matter of honor I offer you this opportunity biffore it is too late." "I guess you have been drinking. You're a little premature in talking about my marriage, aren't you?" "So! You fear to confess the truth! Oh, I am not to be deceive'. All Panama is speaking of those engagements to Senorita Garavel. Come, then, must I insolt you further?"

Carara muttered fiercely: "Senor, I works five year' for that saddle. I am a good gambler, si, si! but I keel somebody biffore I lose it to the Centipede." "And is that Echo Phonograph worth all this?" inquired Helen. "We won that phonograph at risk of life and limb," said Willie, doggedly, "from the Centipede-" " and twenty other outfits, Senor."

Together they mounted the stairs to the gallery above. "Wal, w'at I tol' you?" 'Poleon Doret exclaimed, cheerfully. "Me, I'm cut off for poor man. If one dose El Dorado millionaire' give me his pay-dump, all de gold disappear biffore I get him in de sluice-box. Some people is born Jonah." Despite this melancholy announcement 'Poleon was far from depressed.

"How come she's gettin' up biffore daylight, eh?" It was the bartender who made plain the facts: "She 'ain't been to bed at all, Frenchy. She's been up all night, ridin' herd on old Sam Kirby. He's drinkin', understand? He tried to get some place for her to stay, along about midnight, but there wasn't any.

Mebbe so you better gimme two t'ousan' dollar biffore I b'lieve you. Bien! I go down-town an' win 'noder t'ousan' on de high card, or mebbe so I stick up some feller, den I come back and m'sieu' le jodge he say: 'Dat's fine! Now we let Phillips go home. He don' steal not'in'. Wat I t'ink of dem proceedin's? Eh? I t'ink de jodge is dam' grafter!" Rock laughed heartily.