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And even the automobiles do not come so frequently as they did. Our road used to be the best from Lisieux to Beuzeval, but now the maps recommend another. They pass us by, and yet yonder only a few kilometres is the coast with its thousands. We are near the world but out of it, monsieur."

Without daring to lift his eyes to the newspaper, he opened it, turned the page so as not to see again the words, Filles de Marbre, and began to read mechanically the news from the provinces. There had been a storm in the Channel, and damage was reported from Dieppe, Cabourg, Beuzeval.... Suddenly he recoiled again in horror.

Resident in Paris, and knowing at that time very little about the rest of France for I had merely stayed during my summer holidays at such seaside resorts as Trouville, Deauville, Beuzeval, St. Malo, and St. Servan I undoubtedly caught the Parisian fever, and I dare say that I sometimes joined in the universal chorus of "A Berlin!"

There are, of course, propriétaires in this part of Normandy who spend both their time and money in the country, and are spoken of with respect and affection by the people; but they are raræ aves, men of mark, like the founder of the protestant colony at Beuzeval on the sea.

The name of Beuzeval had suggested to him that of another place in the same district, Beuzeville, which carried also, bound to it by a hyphen, a second name, to wit Breaute, which he had often seen on maps, but without ever previously remarking that it was the same name as that borne by his friend M. de Breaute, whom the anonymous letter accused of having been Odette's lover.