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And why do you praise with rhyme those demons, Finvaragh, Red Aodh, Cleena, Aoibhell and Donn? I, too, am a man of great wit and learning, but I ever glorify our gracious abbot, and Benignus our Patron, and the princes of the province. My soul is decent and orderly, but yours is like the wind among the salley gardens.

While on a certain time Saint Patrick was preaching unto the heathens, for the sake of instructing and baptizing them, he made in that place a long stay. But his disciple Benignus was grieved thereat; and the saint declared that he would not depart until his disciples and pupils should arrive from foreign regions.

And whithersoever he went he converted unto the faith or confirmed in the faith all his hearers. And on a certain time he was journeying through that part of Ultonia which is called Dalnardia; became unto a place named Mucoomuir, when his disciple, the aforementioned Benignus, stayed his steps, and gazed upward, as contemplating something wonderful in the heavens.

The crypt contains the tomb of St. Bénignus. "Truly rural" is a term which may well be applied to the situation of Senlis, the ancient Civitas Sylvanectensium of the Romans. Quaint and attractive to the eye is the entrance to the town from the railway, with its low-lying roofs, over which tower the spires of the ancient Cathedral of Notre Dame and the Church of St. Pierre.

For a certain nun, while she was delighted with the sweet singing of Benignus, entertained at length a more earnest desire toward the man of God, who nothing knew of this unhallowed flame, which hardly could she control in her bosom.

The family of Marigny, to whom the estates of this Cottin were brought in marriage by Mademoiselle Cottin, her father's sole heiress, ordered a sunrise to be carved on this pediment by Coysevox. Beneath it are two angels unwinding a scroll, on which is cut this motto in honor of the Grand Monarch, "Sol nobis benignus."

And the saint, observing such devotion in his tender heart and body, blessed him in the name of the Lord, and, bidding him ascend with him the chariot, prophesied that he would be, as indeed he was, the successor of his ministry. And this Benignus succeeded Saint Patrick in the primacy of all Ireland, and, being illustrious for his virtues and his miracles, at length he rested in the Lord.

And from that hour, even unto the end of her life, was the fire of human love extinguished in her bosom, as if her body were of stone or wood, and not of flesh. And afterward she loved Saint Benignus with a pure and a saintly love, and she confessed that through his merits Saint Patrick had snatched her from the fire of hell.

We have already spoken of the expurgation of the constitution, which prohibited the observance of Pagan rites to the kings, and imposed on them instead, certain social obligations. This was a first change suggested by Saint Patrick, and executed mainly by his disciple, Saint Benignus.

And the venerable man had a son, whom the saint purified with the healing water, and, taking the name from the occasion, called Benignus; and as was his name, so were his life and his manners; and he was beloved of God and of man, worthy of honor and of glory on earth and in heaven, and he steadfastly adhered to the holy prelate, nor ever could be separated from him; for when the saint, being weary, would lie down to rest, this unspotted youth, flying from his father and from his mother, would cast himself at the feet of the holy man, and enfold them in his bosom, and ever and anon would he kiss them, and there would he abide.