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At 8 o'clock, were on the way, and, at 11 A. M., passed through the town of Springfield. Marched twenty-five miles that day, and pitched our tents in the woods, five miles from Bardstown. The next morning was rainy. Proceeded to within one mile of the town, and again camped. Kinney's battery accompanied us. This was the 22d of February, being Washington's birth-day.

That peak bears his name to this day, and probably he deserves the honor quite as much as any human molecule who godfathers a mountain. James Pursley, of Bardstown, Ky., was a greater explorer than Pike; but Pursley gives Pike much credit which Pike blushingly declines. The two men were exceptionally well-bred pioneers. In 1820 Colonel Long named a peak in memory of his explorations.

They expect us to be on the peck, all horns an' rattles. Don't disappoint 'em none! Their tails is half curled up already, an' they're ready to run if a horny toad yells Boo!" To the outward eye the three riding leisurely down the middle of the Bardstown street had no interest in the soldiers by the trough.

It was in such mood that the old New Yorker of 1796 witnessed the going of Fitch's little screw propeller on the Pond. It was a toy of the water. After this the poor spectre left for the West. The spring of 1798 found him at Bardstown, with the model of a little three-foot steamboat, which he launched on a neighboring stream.

He afterwards went to Europe to promote his steamboat interests, to little purpose, wandered about a few years, settled in Bardstown, Kentucky, made a model steamboat with a brass engine, drowned disappointment in the drink of that country, and at last departed by his own will, two years before the close of the last century.

In 1826 and 1827, associations of "Friends of Ireland" were formed at New York, Boston, Washington, Norfolk, Charleston, Augusta, Louisville, and Bardstown. Addresses in English and French were prepared for these societies, chiefly by Dr. McNevin, at New York, and Bishop England, at Charleston.

It was lucky they had brought rations with them from McKeever's, for they took no more chances of trying for such supplies again. Once more they altered their advance, riding the pikes at night, hiding out by day. Hills then, and among them Bardstown.

"I footed it sturdily to Bardstown; took possession of the quarters for which I had bargained, shut myself up, and set to work with might and main to study. But what a task I had before me! I had everything to learn; not merely law, but all the elementary branches of knowledge.

Ever since they had left Bardstown and knew they were headed for that barrier, Drew had been carrying worry at the back of his mind. But Pryor was also right about the Cumberland. Hart agreed to ride back to the company with the information to direct them to the best crossing. While Drew, Kirby, and Boyd went on to the last barrier between them and eventual escape southwest.

"Hugh," said the superintendent, like one who braces himself for a duty that has its disagreeable as well as its pleasant features, "you know that I had sent to Vining for men to take the places of those who are on strike?" "I heard something of the kind, sir." "They were to start for Bardstown to-night and are due to-morrow." "Yes, sir."