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But now Locke's youth and clean living began to tell in his favor and he sensed that his adversary was weakening. He redoubled his efforts. After a particularly vicious blow from Locke, Balcom threw up his hands and toppled over backward in the direction of the rack-bar itself. Locke tried to throw Balcom's body out of the way. It was too late.

"Master," he announced, "the Strangler has arrived from Madagascar." Balcom's face lighted up with intense satisfaction and cunning at the news. He waved the servant away, picked up his hat and stick, and hurried out. In the library at Brent Rock Eva and Locke were having an earnest conversation. Locke had on his motoring togs and was on the point of going out.

Dora swept over graciously toward him. "Will you answer me one question?" he asked, in answer to a query from her. She nodded assent. "How long have you known Mr. Balcom's son?" "He is an old friend," she replied. "I'm expecting him to return at any moment. Won't you be seated? Please excuse me just a moment." Before Locke could say a word she had left the room.

Zita, hurrying out from the conservatory, and wishing to waste not an instant in notifying Balcom, sought a near-by telephone pay-station, and there in frantic haste she demanded Balcom's number. It was some moments before Central could make the connection, and then it was only to Zita's disappointment and growing fear. The Madagascan servant of Balcom answered in the absence of his master.

The others were chatting when Zita heard a noise in the hall and hurried out. She was just in time to see a rather hard-visaged man, with cruel, penetrating eyes. It was Herbert Balcom, vice-president of the company. Zita whispered to him a moment and Balcom's hard face grew harder. "Go up-stairs watch him," he ordered, passing down the hall.

Eva, a bit nervous over Balcom's overbearing manner, interposed. "Mr. Locke," she said, with just a touch of dignity for effect on Balcom, "this is a matter of life and death, and I am not in favor of permitting a proven antidote to be taken out of the country by this this man. I have every confidence in you, but suppose just suppose that your chemist friend is mistaken."

Zita greatly feared Balcom's wrath at her failure, but, nevertheless, she started for his apartment. At that moment Balcom and the mysterious Doctor Q were talking in the latter's dingy laboratory. Doctor Q's mind, for the time being, at least, seemed perfectly clear, and he had formulated a daring plan.

"I've located him, Chief," he telephoned, excitedly, "but it will take four good men to capture him." "I'll send them at once," the chief replied, as both hung up their receivers hurriedly. Meanwhile, in Herbert Balcom's sumptuous, semi-Oriental apartment two men were in earnest conversation.

At the sight of the automaton model in Balcom's hands the butler cried out: "That is what attacked me last night only larger much larger!" All eyes were now on the butler. Quickly Balcom took advantage of the situation thus created. Locke, also, left Flint and moved over to the group examining the model. As he did so his eye caught a piece of paper under the sideboard.

As soon as Brent had recovered from his weakness he wanted to know all that had happened since he had been unconscious under the drug, and as he listened he was aghast at the Automaton and Balcom's villainy. "I've something here that will stop him, though," added Quentin, as he showed the new gas-gun he had invented and explained its deadly properties. "Bring him on again I'm ready."