United States or Papua New Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Take a table-spoonful of the yellow dust of hops, and put it in three spoonsful of melted lard, and mix it well; put it away in a cup for use. This has proved beneficial in cases of swelling of the breast; when cold has been taken, it will sometimes backen gatherings; bathe the place with a warm hand several times a day, and keep flannel over it.

Tom scanned the appearance of the smoke with a practised eye, and at length replied, "No; it's not got as far as there yet." "Do you think it will?" she inquired, anxiously. "If the wind does not change, it must before a great while," he said, "although it will have to cross the road, which will backen it some." "Would it burn up the cabin, then?" she inquired.

"If I had some alcohol I might backen it," observed Han. "Alcohol? Backen what?" "The ivy poison." "Oh! Well, there's plenty of alcohol on board. Wonder what time it is," Perry drew out his watch and whistled surprisedly. "Only a quarter to ten, Han! We couldn't have walked very far, after all. And they won't signal us until ten-thirty. Here, I'm going this way."

He repeated this operation several times before I fully recovered from the shock conveyed by his combined impudence and weight; but pain finally brought my senses back, and with a wild plunge I unseated my demoniac riders and gained a clear space in the middle of the floor. "Ah h h h h h h," screamed Toddie, "I wants to wide horshie backen."

"So ye've bin craw-fishin' agin?" said Maggie, in her deepest and most scornful contralto. "Who's craw-fishin'?" he retorted, angrily. "What's this backen out o' what you said yesterday? What's all this trucklin' to the Fort now?" "What? Well now, look yer," said Jim, rising suddenly, with reproachful indignation, "darned if I don't jest tell ye everythin'. I promised HIM I wouldn't.