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"It begins to look to me," said he, "as if this young fellow had been most damnably backbitten. You can haul Devers before a court, but what can we do with these women?" "You have never told me, major, what these women had to say against him." "And I'm not going to," said White. "When a man's ashamed of having believed a mean story, the sooner he buries it the better.

"I," exclaimed Alley, "am not to be insulted and calumnied, ay, an' backbitten before my own face, Misther Doran, and take my word you'll hear of this to your cost I've a faction."

I overheard the aide-de-camp say; "he is a backbiting sneak, and I tell you again he's backbitten nobody more than he has you!" "And I tell you again, Harry, that is my business." "If he wants to fight me he can; I'll waive my rank." "No, you will not, you have no right; our poor little rank, it doesn't belong to us, Harry, 'tis we belong to it.

Quando splendebat lucerna eius super caput meum, et ad lumen eius ambulabam in tenebris?" ... I have no friend at Rome; I have laboured in England, to be misrepresented, backbitten and scorned.

He told Elizabeth that her ladyship's eyes were exceedingly searching: 'Only, said he, 'as I have nothing to hide, I am able to submit to inspection'; and he laughed slightly up to an arresting cough, and made the mantelpiece ornaments pass muster. General Ople was the hero to champion a lady whose airs of haughtiness caused her to be somewhat backbitten.

At last the old parsonage is quite bare and deserted, though our successors, box and baggage, have moved in upon us, much to the annoyance of the females, who see with jealousy that the new arrival gets the lion's share of attention, and that Brother Tipp, whose class-book we took from him, and who has backbitten us ever since, is courteous as a dancing-master with our rival.

He told Elizabeth that her ladyship's eyes were exceedingly searching: 'Only, said he, 'as I have nothing to hide, I am able to submit to inspection'; and he laughed slightly up to an arresting cough, and made the mantelpiece ornaments pass muster. General Ople was the hero to champion a lady whose airs of haughtiness caused her to be somewhat backbitten.

I don't intend to mintion a syllable of what you said this day; but as his sarvint, and gettin' bread through him, and undher him, I can't, nor I won't, suffer his honor to be backbitten before his own face for it's next to that. Now, says I, 'be guided by me, and all will be right.