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Frost all night 'cept when it hails, and b'iling sun all day, and the water stinks fit to knock you down. I got my 'ead chipped like a egg; I've got pneumonia too, an' my guts is all out o' order. 'Tain't no bloomin' picnic in those parts, I can tell you." "Wot are the niggers like?" demanded a private. "There's some prisoners in that train yonder. Go an' look at 'em.

"And 'im obliged to stand up stiff, and dursen't say a word?" "Didn't you hear me say, `Drop it'?" "Yes, sir and one's blood b'iling all the while!" "Look here; you have been having it again, then, Pete?" "Again, sir! Why, I am always a-having of it." "What was it, now?" "I telled you, sir: nothing." "That was a lie, Pete. Now, wasn't it?" "Not a lie, sir. Only a little cracker."

"I gwine to, honey, 'deed is I. I gwine to publish um good, too. I gwine to get my extinguish friend, de professor dere, to write um all down fur me; and I gwine to publish um good. And now, Sam, chile, as de kettle is b'iling, I wish you jes' make de hot punch, 'cause I'se dead tired, and arter I drinks it I wants to go to bed."

I just want to say that if a stream of hot water comes down past my house some of the children will be bound to get into it and be scalded to death, and I came to say that if that well is going to squirt b'iling water I'd like to have notice so that I can move, though where a widow with so many orphans is going to move to nobody knows. Mr.

"Now, boys, get as much done as possible," urged Orde. "We better get back in the brush, or he may try to take in the whole b'iling of us on some sort of a blanket warrant." "How about the other boys?" inquired North. "I gave one of them a telegram to send to Daly," replied Orde. "Daly will be up to bail them out."

"But some of these are painted," said the boy, taking up an egg with a pattern of flowers on it. "No, they ain't; they're jest colored in a dye-pot. Them that looks as if they was painted were tied up in a bit of figgered calico and b'iled, and when they come out of the b'iling they took the calico off, and there was the figgers set on the eggs. See?"

"Well, things went along sort of catch-as-catch-can like this for maybe three weeks, the Greaser shooting fish regular, an' the Boss b'iling with rage, and laying plans to call his hand, and getting bluffed out every deal. "And right here I got to interrupt, to talk some about the pup dog, Sloppy Weather.

Besides, all the children's friends are there, and they got so lonesome here winters." Miss Abigail quailed a little, but rallying, she brought out, "What's the matter with the Bennetts? The whole kit and b'iling of them came in here the other day to pester me asking about how I grew my lilies." "Why, Miss Abigail! You don't pay any more attention to village news!

My son soon returned with the word that his friend was "b'iling" with excitement, but alas! his parents were going to spend that evening with a neighbor, and since they would not be back until late, there was no possible way of his joining us.

They was makin' a lot of talk abaout haow they'd trim us to-morrer. They gut my blood to b'iling, and I told 'em a few things. That critter, Silence, begun to give me the laugh. He said us fellers made a lot of talk, but we didn't have sand to back it up. Dod bim him! I guess I showed him I had sand!"