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They were messengers, postmen and carriers across the wide stretch of country from Spilsby, even down to the river Witham, and from Boston Deep down to Market Deeping and over to the sea. Since these fens were drained one might travel from Market Deeping to the Wolds without wetting a foot. "Aw'll trooble thee a moment, maister," said the peasant. "A stilt-walker beant nowt i' the woorld.

Aw'll shake honds wi' tho i' thae's a mind, owd dog." "Get forrud wi' that stuff, an' say nought," answered Jone. I left Sam at his soup, and went up into the town. In the course of the day I sat some hours in the Boardroom, listening to the relief cases; but of this, and other things, I will say more in my next.

She looked hard at my friend again, and then cried out, "Eh, is it yo? Come, an' sit yo deawn! aw'll go an' see iv aw can root him up for yo!" But we thought it as well to visit some other houses in the neighbourhood, calling at old John's again afterwards; so we told the old woman, and came away.

Ivvery body seems to mane something, and nobory to say it. Bill. Never you mind, daddy! "Bill's been. All right." That's your ticket. I'm off. Exit. THOMAS gets up, and walks about, murmuring to himself. A knock at the door. Tho. Somebory after mo again! Aw'll geet eawt ov th' way. Enter WATERFIELD. Wat. Nobody here! I am unlucky. "Not at home," said the rascal, and grinned, by Jove!

I' hoo be dead and gwoan, tell mo, sir, and aw'll goo whoam again, for mo oud lass be main lonesome beout mo, and we'll wait till we goo to her, for hoo winnot coom no moor to us. Col. G. For anything I know, your daughter is alive and well. Bring her here, I say, and I will make you happy. Th. Aw shannot want thes or thi silverings either to mak mo happy then, maister.

O Lord, hear mo, and gie mo mo Mattie. Nea, aw'll geet oop, and go look again. First Boy. Ain't he a cricket, Tommy? Second Boy. Spry, ain't he? Prod him, and see him jump. Tho. Why, childer, what have aw done, that yo cry after mo like a thief? First Boy. Daddy Longlegs! Daddy Longlegs! They hustle and crowd him. Re-enter BILL. THOMAS makes a rush. They run. He seizes BILL. They gather again.

But stop a bit; just go in yon, an' aw'll come to yo in a two-thre minutes." He returned, accompanied by the paymaster, who offered to conduct me through the other delphs. Running over his pay-book, he showed me, by figures opposite each man's name, that, with not more than a dozen exceptions, they had all families of children, ranging in number from two to nine.

Aw wonder how they can for shame' o' their face. A lot o' mee-mawing snickets! But they 're no better nor porritch, Robert, when they're looked up. 'Not a bit, Betty, not a bit! But I mun be off. Good neet to yo'. 'Good neet Robert, said Betty. An' away he went wi' th' cart up to th' Hollins." "Aw'll tell tho what, Skedlock," said Nanny; "that woman's a terrible tung!"

That afternoon, when Matt and Miriam returned from Rehoboth, they found old Deborah less than the little child she watched over; for she, too, had not only become as a little child, but, as she said, least among the little ones. 'So yo' want to know haa aw geet hand o' my missus, dun yo', Mr. Penrose? Well, if hoo'll nobbud be quiet while aw'm abaat it, aw'll tell yo'.

"Then you did get off, John?" "Get off! Sure, aw did. It wur noan o' me. It wur a keaw jobber, at did it. . . . Aw'll tell yo what, for two pins aw'd frame that summons, an' hang it eawt o' th' window; but it would look so impudent." Old John's wants were inquired into, and we left him fiddling among his rusty tools.