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I've comed 'cross lots of 'em before as was said to be 'aunted, an' so some on 'em was; but 'twasn't with ghostesses. One packet I was in, they was that bad yer couldn't sleep a wink in yer watch below, until yer'd 'ad every stitch out yer bunk an' 'ad a reg'lar 'unt.

Borne unmistakably on the night wind, voices came to them the soft voice of a woman, the deeper tones of a man. "One of the maids, I dare say," Sybilla said, carelessly, "holding tryst with her lover." "No," said the valet; "not one of the maids would set foot hinside this walk hafter nightfall for a kingdom! They say it's 'aunted.

'Twas a ramshackle old farm-'ouse, goin' all to pieces when she bought it an' put up 'er sign o' the 'Trusty Man, an' silly wenches round 'ere do say as 'ow it's 'aunted, owin' to the man as 'ad it afore Miss Tranter, bein' found dead in 'is bed with 'is 'ands a-clutchin' a pack o' cards. An' the ace o' spades that's death was turned uppermost.

"Last night, as ever was," continued the old man, "'e went down to th' 'aunted cottage 't weren't no manner o' use tryin' to turn 'im, no, not if I'd gone down to 'im on my marrer-bones 'e were that set on it; so off he goes, 'bout sundown, to sleep in th' 'aunted cottage I knows, Jarge, 'cause I follered un, an' seen for myself; so now I'm a-goin' down to find 'is corp' "

"Peter," said the Ancient, straightening his bent old back proudly, "oh, Peter! tell 'em I'm a man o' truth, an' no liar tell 'em, Peter." "They know that," said I; "they know it without my telling them, Ancient." "But," said Job, staring at me aghast, "do 'ee mean to say as you live in a place as is 'aunted by the devil 'isself?"

They say the 'ouse is 'aunted!" Put roses in their hair, put precious stones on their breasts; see that they are clothed in purple and scarlet, with other delights; that they also learn to read the gilded heraldry of the sky; and upon the earth be taught not only the labors of it but the loveliness. Deucalion At Windermere, a good friend, told me that I must abandon all hope of seeing Mr.

"Things is going wrong 'most every night," he said, almost pathetically. "It's as diff'rent as chalk 'n' cheese ter what it were w'en we started this 'ere trip. I thought it were all 'ellish rot about 'er bein' 'aunted; but it's not, seem'ly." He stopped and expectorated. "She hain't haunted," said Stubbins. "Leastways, not like you mean "

'Wheer be Peter? says 'e over an' over again; 'wheer be the Peter as I found of a sunshiny arternoon, down in th' 'aunted 'Oller? You weren't at work 's marnin', Peter, so I be come to fetch 'ee you'll come back wi' me to bid 'good-by' to the old: man?" "Yes, I'll come, Simon," I answered; "wait here for me."

Having delivered himself of which, the Ancient shook his head at me again, and, turning his back, hobbled away. When I turned to look at George, it was to find him regarding me with a very strange expression. "Sir," said he ponderously, "did you sleep in th' 'aunted cottage last night?"

I saw no reason for denying that, and he continued: "If this ole packet is 'aunted, as some on 'em seems to think, well all as I can say is, let me 'ave the luck to tumble across another of the same sort. Good grub, an' duff fer Sundays, an' a decent crowd of 'em aft, an' everythin' comfertable like, so as yer can feel yer knows where yer are. As fer 'er bein' 'aunted, that's all 'ellish nonsense.