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His companion, on the other hand, greeted the stranger so effusively that he found it possible during the moments of merry chatter to regain a fair proportion of his lost composure. The Baroness St. Auge was an English woman, famed as a whip, a golfer and an entertainer.

Let us then read without conviction such accounts as we may find tending to belittle the goodness or cheapen the virtues of Constanze or of Mozart. The Webers had lived at Vienna in a house called Auge Gottes, and Mozart used to refer to his elopement as "Die Entführung aus dem Auge Gottes," as a pun on the name of the opera that had made his marriage possible, "Die Entführung aus dem Serail."

Picot was one of Frotté's old officers, and during the wars of the Chouannerie had been commander-in-chief of the Auge division. He had earned the surname of "Egorge-Bleus" and was a Chevalier of St. Louis.

Argus, who had not thought upon his wife and children all the way, went very gravely up: and everyone being seated, the Senate by their silence seemed to call for the report, which Argus, standing up, delivered in this wise: "RIGHT HONORABLE LORDS AND FATHERS ASSEMBLED IN PARLIAMENT: "So it is, that it has fallen to my lot to report to your excellencies in the votes of the people, taken upon the 3d instant, in the first year of this commonwealth, at the halo; the Right Honorable Phosphorus de Auge in the tribe of Eudia, Dolabella d'Enyo in the tribe of Turmae, and Linceus de Stella in the tribe of Nubia, lords commissioners of the great seal of Oceana, and proposers pro temporibus, together with my brethren the tribunes, and myself being present.

In due time Auge replied, advising him to return, as the duke was 'graciously minded. But this was not enough; Schiller knew his man too well and had probably never expected that his appeal would have any other effect than possibly to mollify the duke a little and thus avert trouble for Captain Schiller. The fugitive had fixed all his hopes on the production of 'Fiesco' at the Mannheim theater.

The census of 1864 for the town of Pilaguin, Ecuador, lying 11,000 feet above the level of the sea and consisting of about 2000 inhabitants, gives 100 above seventy, 30 above ninety, five above one hundred, and one at one hundred and fifteen years. Francis Auge died in Maryland in 1767 at the age of one hundred and thirty-four.

And your Mr. Bull's company fits me 'wie die Faust ins Auge. I am neglecting my engagements. I must go off to St. Petersburg." There was no answer. "You agree with me that I had better go?" said Klesmer, with some irritation. "Certainly; if that is what your business and feeling prompt. I have only to wonder that you have consented to give us so much of your time in the last year.

He bounced out of the room and, as he rang for the elevator, Isolde's lament once more issued from beneath. Mozart Rabiner's fingers: Mild und leise wie er lächelt Wie das Auge hold er öffnet While from the floor above came the full, round tones of the salesman, Marks Pasinsky. "Sixty queens," he said. Abe ran out of the hotel lobby straight into the arms of a short, stout person.

The incident faded more quickly from his mind than it might otherwise have done for its having occurred simultaneously with the production of a new kind of potato, of which he was justly proud. He called it Trost in Trauer, and quoted the text of Scripture Auge um Auge, Zabn um Zahn, after which he did not again allude to his wife's decease.

The next day the Saxondales accompanied the two Americans to the railway station, bade them a fond farewell and hastened back to the home of the Baron St. Auge with new resolutions in their hearts. The forepart of the ensuing week saw their departure from Brussels.