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The arrival of Louis the Germanic with his troops helped to swell the forces and increase the confidence of Charles; and it was on the 21st of June, 841, exactly a year after the death of Louis the Debonnair, that the two armies, that of Lothaire and Pepin on the one side, and that of Charles the Bald and Louis the Germanic on the other, stood face to face in the neighborhood of the village of Fontenailles, six leagues from Auxerre, on the rivulet of Audries.

The arrival of Louis the Germanic with his troops helped to swell the forces and increase the confidence of Charles; and it was on the 21st of June, 841, exactly a year after the death of Louis the Debonair, that the two armies, that of Lothair and Pépin on the one side, and that of Charles the Bald and Louis the Germanic on the other, stood face to face in the neighborhood of the village of Fontenailles, six leagues from Auxerre, on the rivulet of Audries.

Audries, with its pretty gray church, and manor house half hidden in the great trees of the park.

Near the church is Court House, an old manor house, with the remains of a pierced parapet. It formerly belonged to the Luttrell family. Quantoxhead, West, a parish 1-1/2 m. E. of Williton. In the parish is St Audries, the seat of Sir A.F. Acland Hood. Queen Charlton, a small village 2 m. S.W. of Keynsham, with the abbey of which it once had an intimate connection.