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The prior of a Dominican convent near San Giorgio, and two privates from a regiment of Lancers stationed in the Fortezza, came to her to be taught, and some of Astorre's friends, students at the University, were very anxious for lessons, and as the Menotti refused to have them in their house Olive had to hire a room to receive them. The aunt disapproved.

At first it had been Astorre's intent to follow the examples set him by Malatesta and Sforza, and he had already gone so far as to remove his valuables to Ravenna, whither he, too, meant to seek refuge.

This Castagnini was arrested, thrown into prison, and his possessions confiscated, whilst the Council placed the citadel in the hands of four of its own members together with Gianevangelista Manfredi Astorre's half-brother, and a bastard of Galeotto's. These set about defending it against Cesare, who had now opened fire.

Meanwhile, ahead of Cesare Borgia, swept Vitellozzo Vitelli with his horse into Astorre's dominions. He descended upon the valley of the Lamone, and commenced hostilities by the capture and occupation of Brisghella on November 7. The other lesser strongholds and townships offered no resistance to Cesare's arms.

Gemma smiled her rare slow smile as she put it in her purse. There was a photograph of her aunt Olive's mother on the dressing-table, and a Tauchnitz edition of Swinburne's Atalanta in Calydon lay beside it, the embroidered tassel of the marker being one of Astorre's pitiful little gifts. She swept them off on to the floor and poured the contents of the ink-stand over them.

Bologna whose ruler, Giovanni Bentivogli, was Astorre's grandfather in common with Florence and Urbino, grew daily more and more alarmed at the continual tramp of armed multitudes about her frontiers, and at the steady growth in numbers and in capacity of this splendid army which followed Casare an army captained by such enemies of the Bentivogli as the Baglioni, the Orsini, and the exiled Malvezzi.