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Time cures all troubles, and in time "A" Company was pushed and pulled back into line again. The incident pleased Major Pinto as it wasted the fleeting minutes and gave him a chance to give the only other order of which he was sure. "That was oll wrong," said he. "We will now, however, oll advance as 'A' Company did. The arder will be 'Battalion will advance.

A squeaky voice retorted: "I've bin up since four in the mornin' workin' a bloody sight 'arder 'n what you 'ave. Yer never satisfied, yer bleed'n' lot o'...." The rest was drowned in a storm of derisive shouts. Then the men in the queue took up the argument again. "Yer too slow yer could'n catch the measles!" "You come an' do my job an' see 'ow yer like it!" "Do your job!

Then Bill Jones went back to bed, and Joe Barlcomb, arter sitting down on the doorstep to rest 'imself, went off and knocked up Peter Lamb. Peter Lamb was a little man and no good as a fighter, but the things he said to Joe Barlcomb as he leaned out o' the winder and shook 'is fist at him was 'arder to bear than blows.

He lukes me straight in the eyes, and 'Luke, sezzee, 'us 'a' got tu git the place in vamous arder vur young Zur Peter, sezzee, 'An' I be responsible, and danged but what 'a'll du't, 'ee zays. An' I touched my yead, zo, and I zays, 'Very gude, zur, 'a zays. 'An' zo 'twill be, yu may depend on't."

All marks of rank were picked off it long ago, but but it is true mine is not a common cloth such as troopers use for their coats, and the Sahib has sharp eyes that black mark is such a mark as a silver chain leaves when long worn on the breast. The Sahib says that troopers do not wear silver chains? No-o. Troopers do not wear the Arder of Beritish India? No.

Cutts kicked 'em in the pond while you was struggling with me. Come to think of it, I seem to remember 'earing a splash." "He's done it, Mr. Cutts," ses Smith; "never mind, it'll go all the 'arder with 'im." "But I do mind," ses Lewis, shouting. "I'll be even with you for this, Bob Pretty. I'll make you feel it. You wait till I've done with you.

In succession, advance in fours from the right of companees. Thenn each officer commanding companees will give the arder 'Form fours. Right. Left wheel. Quick march' one after thee other." And the Major gave the order. To the surprise of every living soul upon the parade-ground the manoeuvre was correctly executed and the battalion moved off in column of fours. And it kept on moving. And moving.

"We was sitting up 'ere one evening 'aving a mug o' beer and a pipe same as I might be now if I'd got any baccy left and talking about it, when we 'eard a shout and saw a ragged-looking tramp running toward us as 'ard as he could run. Every now and then he'd look over 'is shoulder and give a shout, and then run 'arder than afore.

"'T would have been 'arder leavin' it in blossom time," the old woman explained; but her hearer could not see the point. She rose slowly from her chair and looked around the cottage. "I am glad to see that you keep your place clean and respectable, Elizabeth," she said. "I wish you good afternoon." At last she got up and tottered to the garden.

Cutts kicked 'em in the pond while you was struggling with me. Come to think of it, I seem to remember 'earing a splash." "He's done it, Mr. Cutts," ses Smith; "never mind, it'll go all the 'arder with 'im." "But I do mind," ses Lewis, shouting. "I'll be even with you for this, Bob Pretty. I'll make you feel it. You wait till I've done with you.