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Rasula and six of the sturdiest men prepared to continue the journey to Aratat, transporting the chests. Five sullen, resentful fellows moved over beside the captives and threw themselves down upon the grassy sward, lighting their cigarettes with all the philosophical indifference of men who regard themselves as put upon by others at a time when there is no alternative.

Besides, the cliff on which the new bungalow stood represented the extreme western extremity of the island and therefore was nearest of all Japat to civilisation and Genevra. Conditions in Aratat were not much changed from what they had been prior to the event of the legatory invaders.

He was looking eagerly, intently toward the long, low headland beyond the town of Aratat. "The smoke! See? Close in shore, too! By heaven, Genevra there's a steamer off there. She's a small one or she wouldn't run in so close. It it may be the yacht! Wait! We'll soon see. She'll pass the point in a few minutes."

Just before dusk the steamer, flying the British colours, hove to off the town of Aratat and signalled for the company's tug. There was no one in Aratat too old, too young or too ill to stay away from the pier and its vicinity. Bowles telephoned the news to the château, and the occupants, in no little excitement, had their tea served on the grand colonnade overlooking the town.

"It was said to have been the plague," said Selim bitterly. "They died in great convulsions while spending the night in the Khan. That's the inn of Aratat, excellencies. The great sahibs sent their stomachs away to be examined " "Never mind, Selim," said Chase. "Tell us about the passage there." "Once there was a boat a launch, which lay hidden below the cliffs on the north coast.

Every royal family in Europe was represented; the list of noble names seemed endless to him the flower of the world's aristocracy. How he hated them! The next morning Selim aroused him from his fitful sleep, bringing the news that a strange vessel had arrived off Aratat.

It was he who saw to it that the luggage was transferred to the lighter which came out to the steamer when she dropped anchor off the town of Aratat; it was he who counted the pieces and haggled with the boatmen; it was he who carried off the hand luggage when the native dock boys refused to engage in the work; it was he who unfortunately dropped a suitcase upon the hallowed tail of the red cocker, an accident which ever afterward gave him a tenacity of grip that no man could understand; it was he who made all of the inquiries, did all of the necessary swearing, and came last in the procession which wended its indignant way up the long slope to the château on the mountain side.

"Then it was after the yacht left Marseilles with orders to pick me up at Aratat." "What are you talking about? Sure it was, if the yacht left Marseilles six weeks ago. What's that got to do with it?" "Nothing. Don't mind me, Arch. I'm a bit upset." "There was talk of a divorce almost before the wedding bells ceased ringing. The Grand Duke got his eyes opened when it was too late.

Some there are in Aratat who would end their lives before sunrise. I say to you that we cannot put them to death until we are sure that the others have no chance to escape to England. I am a lawyer. I know what it would mean if the story got to the ears of the government. We have them safely in our hands. The others will soon die. Then then there can be no mistake!

The arrival of the refugees from Aratat gave the château a staunch little garrison, not counting the servants, whose loyalty was an uncertain quantity. The stable men in the dungeon below served as illustrations of what might be expected of the others, despite their profession of fidelity. Including the house servants, who, perforce, were loyal, there was an able-bodied garrison of sixty men.