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Apple-women and pie-men dropped in about noon, and there were plenty of cheap apples and cheap jokes when the peddlers were young and pretty. Customers came and brother merchants, who went into Mr. Lawrence Newt's room. They talked China news, and South American news, and Mediterranean news. Their conversation was full of the names of places of which poems and histories have been written.

It was afterwards estimated that seventeen cabmen, four gentlemen, two apple-women, three-and-twenty errand-boys more or less, and one policeman, flung umbrellas, sticks, baskets, and various missiles at her, with the effect of damaging innumerable shins and overturning many individuals, but without hurting a hair of Floppart's body during her wild but brief career.

"Easily accounted for, sir," said Loftus. "'T is so common a circumstance, that it ceases to be worthy of observation. An author writing of this country might as well remark that the apple-women are to be seen sitting at the corners of the streets. That's nothing, sir; but there are two things of which I have personal knowledge, rather remarkable. "Scalded?" said his friends; "burnt, you mean."

When she had accomplished this object, she began to shape her course for the notary's office, to which shrewdly inquiring of apple-women and oyster-sellers at street-corners, rather than in lighted shops or of well-dressed people, at the hazard of attracting notice she easily procured a direction.

"So you will have to do the best you can without 'em. If you are questioned, which I don't believe you will be, say that you have sold out; that you have thrown your baskets away and that you are going to try to get to a place of safety." "But I didn't know there were any apple-women near here," said Chester. "Well, there aren't any," replied Stubbs.

In contrast to many instances of heroic devotion were artists' funny pictures of the scourge. The Tuileries gardens were deserted, and Paul missed his apple-women friends of the corners between rue St. Dominique and Pont Royal; and the flight through the city of Mr. Van Buren and other friends were a few personal incidents of this awesome time.

"Why," Hal explained, "two apple-women strolling about the enemy's camp in the night would attract more attention, should they be discovered, than in broad daylight, when they might possibly have some business there." "Right," agreed Chester. "I hadn't thought of it in that way." Accordingly they proceeded more boldly now. Here and there troops of German cavalry now came to life.

They were splendid bricklayers, and bootblacks, and apple-women." He bent his gaze on the boy for a few seconds in silence. The fact was that a new thought was coming to him, and though, perhaps, it was not prompted by the noblest emotions, it was not a bad thought. "Come here," he said, at last. Fauntleroy went and stood as near to him as possible without encroaching on the gouty foot.

His first great action on record, although not successful in the end, and tinctured with the innocence of youth, is yet highly creditable to him. Cartouche had a wonderful love for good eating, and put all the apple-women and cooks, who came to supply the students, under contribution.

Burning with impatience to discuss with the great MacGrawler the feasibility of his project, he quickened his pace almost into a run, and in a very few minutes, having only overthrown one chimney-sweeper and two apple-women by the way, he arrived at the sage's door.