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Harold, Prometesky, and Dermot had each carried one, in case of any disaster, that there might be three chances; but now they were all three laid in my lap wonderful things, one a little larger than the others, but all curiously apple-like in form, such gifts as a bride has seldom had.

Dick had none of his mother's apple-like roundness the widow, who was not yet thirty-five, always suggested apples and roses he had inherited his father's flame-coloured hair, and a pale complexion that was very effective in turning away maternal wrath when allied with an appearance of pensive melancholy and a fictitious pain in the chest.

The large-fruited thorn is a low tree with branches spreading out horizontally. You will often find it in thickets. The bark is rough and the thorns on the branches are long, sharp, and of a light-brown color. In flavor the fruit is sweet and apple-like; the flesh is dry and mealy; it grows on hairy stems and the seeds are hard, rounded, and grooved.

A small apple-like plant, not more than 4 in. high, with a depressed top, the lower part being narrowed. It has sixteen ribs or ridges, composed of rows of thick fleshy tubercles, upon every other of which are six or eight horny spines, 1 in. long. The flowers are pushed out from the edge of the depression on the top of the stem, and are large; the tube in. long.

His face was also of the rotund shape the features all tolerably regular, with the exception of the nose that, like the nasal organ of his comrade, was nez retrousse the turn-up being infinitely more pronounced. The expression was equally indicative of good-nature and good-fellowship as the apple-like bloom of his cheeks, and the ochreous tinge upon the tip of the nose, sufficiently testified.

It was composed, he saw at once, of Peyton's friends; as he entered three young men rose punctiliously Christian Wager, with hair growing close like a mat on a narrow skull and a long irregular nose; Gilbert Bromhead, a round figure and a face with the contours and expression, the fresh color, of a pleasant and apple-like boy; and Peyton.

The ovary is also malformed, having six or seven and sometimes probably more cells, and bearing ten to fifteen styles. The resulting fruit has a core character unknown in other apples but approached in certain apple-like fruits, as the medlar. The fruit, in such specimens as I have seen or read about, has no horticultural merit; but it is a curiosity of great botanical interest.

The tall Madonna lilies flourished like sculpture about the porch, and he admired their tall stems and leaves and carven blossoms, thinking how they would die without strife, without complaint. The briar filled the air with a sweet, apple-like smell; and far away the lake shone in the moonlight, just as it had a thousand years ago when the raiders returned to their fortresses pursued by enemies.