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If one did not know to the contrary, she would certainly have been mistaken for one of the elder girls, and her manner was delightfully unprofessional. "Well, my poor dear, this is bad news! I was sorry when Tom told me. What is it? headache back-ache pain in your throat?" Rhoda stretched herself lazily and considered the question. "A kind of general all-overishness, if you know what that means.

We shall need Allie to keep us straight, and Howard to keep us stirred up." "And Charlie for general all-overishness," added Marjorie. "Say, Howard, do you remember the day we put Vic into the empty barrel, and turned a bushel basket over him, 'cause he would follow us, every step we took?" Howard chuckled at the recollection. "Yes. How he did yell!

Mullins," returned the sailor, in the same key; "you may make as much game on me as you like; but these here strange sort of doings are somehow quizzical; and, though I fears nothing in the shape of flesh and blood, still, when it comes to having to do with those as is gone to Davy Jones's locker like, it gives a fellow an all-overishness as isn't quite the thing. You understand me?"

I do wish you would try to be a little less clumsy. Oh, well, I'm spruce as a new penny now. So let's all go to luncheon." Patricia had not been in perfect health for a long while. It seemed to her, in retrospect, that ever since the agonies of little Roger's birth she had been the victim of what she described as "a sort of all-overishness."

"Dear, dear me!" exclaimed Adams, with a look of amused surprise, "you're not becomin' sentimental are you, Sally?" "What is sentimental, father!" "Why, it's a it's a sort of a feelin' a sensation, you know, a kind of all-overishness, that d'ye see " He stopped short and stared with a perplexed air at the girl, who burst into a merry laugh.

The Princess is not for you you'll only break your heart and ruin your family over her! That's my advice. Chuck her!" "But I cannot," said McFeckless humbly. "Think of her weirdly beautiful eyes." "I see," said the doctor meditatively; "sort of makes you feel creepy? Kind of all-overishness, eh? That's like her. But whom have we here?"

Mullins," returned the sailor, in the same key; "you may make as much game on me as you like; but these here strange sort of doings are somehow quizzical; and, though I fears nothing in the shape of flesh and blood, still, when it comes to having to do with those as is gone to Davy Jones's locker like, it gives a fellow an all-overishness as isn't quite the thing. You understand me?"

Leather, though somewhat muzzy, was sufficiently sober to be able to deliver this message, and acquaint Mr. Sponge with the impossibility of his 'ridin' the 'ack. Indeed, he truly said that he had 'been hup with him all night, and at one time thought it was all hover with him, the all-overishness consisting of Mr.