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'Yes I think I was once, she murmured. 'Aha! And were you ever kissed by a man? A pause. 'Well, were you? said Miss Aldclyffe, rather sharply. 'Don't press me to tell I can't indeed, I won't, madam! Miss Aldclyffe removed her arms from Cytherea's neck. ''Tis now with you as it is always with all girls, she said, in jealous and gloomy accents.

'Miss Aldclyffe is awake, she said; 'and she asked if you were moving yet, miss. 'I'll run up to her, said Cytherea, and flitted off with the utterance of the words. 'Very fortunate this, she thought; 'I shall see what is in the bag this morning all the sooner.

His previous experience of the effect of his form and features upon womankind en masse, had taught him to flatter himself that he could account by the same law of natural selection for the extraordinary interest Miss Aldclyffe had hitherto taken in him, as an unmarried man; an interest he did not at all object to, seeing that it kept him near Cytherea, and enabled him, a man of no wealth, to rule on the estate as if he were its lawful owner.

Edward once in the young lady's thoughts, there was no getting rid of him. She wanted to be alone. 'Do you want me here? she said. 'Now there, there; you want to be off, and have a good cry, said Miss Aldclyffe, taking her hand. 'But you mustn't, my dear. There's nothing in the past for you to regret. Compare Mr.

Something, she knew not what, told her she had not seen the last of Miss Aldclyffe. 'You have somebody to refer me to, of course, the lady said, when Cytherea had re-entered the room. 'Yes: Mr. Thorn, a solicitor at Aldbrickham. 'And are you a clever needlewoman? 'I am considered to be. 'Then I think that at any rate I will write to Mr. Thorn, said Miss Aldclyffe, with a little smile.

She remembered the conversation about architects and surveyors, and her brother Owen. Miss Aldclyffe knew that his situation was precarious, that he was well educated and practical, and was applying himself heart and soul to the details of the profession and all connected with it. Miss Aldclyffe might be ready to take him if he could compete successfully with others who would reply.

'Had I better tell Miss Aldclyffe that I know all this? she inquired at last. 'What's the use? he said. 'Your possessing the knowledge does no harm; you are at any rate comfortable here, and a confession to Miss Aldclyffe might only irritate her. No, hold your tongue, Cytherea.

In the midst of desultory reflections like these, which alternated with surmises as to the inexplicable connection that appeared to exist between her intended husband and Miss Aldclyffe, she heard dull noises outside the walls of the house, which she could not quite fancy to be caused by the wind. She seemed doomed to such disturbances at critical periods of her existence.

When preoccupation withstands the influence of a social meal with one pleasant companion, the mental scene must be surpassingly vivid. Just as she was rising a tap came to the door. Before a maid could attend to the knock, Manston crossed the room and answered it himself. The visitor was Miss Aldclyffe. Manston instantly came back and spoke to Anne in an undertone.

'Well, scarcely; you see her father doesn't attend to that sort of thing as he used to. The engine was once quite his hobby. But now he's getten old and very seldom goes there. 'How many are there in family? 'Only her father and herself. He's a' old man of seventy. 'I had thought that Miss Aldclyffe was sole mistress of the property, and lived here alone.