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I. Crystals increase by the greater attraction of their sides. Accretion by chemical precipitations, by welding, by pressure, by agglutination. II. Hunger, digestion, why it cannot be imitated out of the body. Lacteals absorb by animal selection or appetency. III. The glands and pores absorb nutritious particles by animal selection. Organic particles of Buffon.

A word like goodness illustrates "agglutination," books "regular fusion," depth "irregular fusion," geese "symbolic fusion" or "symbolism." I do not wish to imply that there is any mystic value in the process of fusion. The psychological distinctness of the affixed elements in an agglutinative term may be even more marked than in the -ness of goodness.

Other means of adhesion are produced by heat and pressure, as in the welding of iron-bars; and other means by simple pressure, as in forcing two pieces of caoutchou, or elastic gum, to adhere; and lastly, by the agglutination of a third substance penetrating the pores of the other two, as in the agglutination of wood by means of animal gluten.

The embrace must be consummate, not achieved by a mocking environment of draped and muffled arms that leaves no lasting trace on organisation or consciousness, but by an enfolding within the bare and warm bosom of an open mouth a grinding out of all differences of opinion by the sweet persuasion of the jaws, and the eloquence of a tongue that now convinces all the more powerfully because it is inarticulate and deals but with the one universal language of agglutination.

The languages of the North American Indians, though differing in many respects, have the same general grade of character. The second class consists of those languages which are formed by agglutination. The words combine only in a mechanical way; they have no elective affinity, and exhibit toward each other none of the active or sensitive capabilities of living organisms.

The patient died the fourth day after the operation, from peritonitis, and an autopsy showed the perforation and agglutination of the two intestinal curvatures. Getchell relates the description of a calculus in the vagina, formed about a hair-pin as a nucleus.

The globe has undergone great revolutions between the periods when these two soils were formed; the one containing the great caverns of Matanzas, the other daily augmenting by the agglutination of fragments of coral and quartzose sand. In the lesser Antilles the corals are covered with volcanic productions.

Plica polonica, or, as it was known in Cracow weicselzopf, is a disease peculiar to Poland, or to those of Polish antecedents, characterized by the agglutination, tangling, and anomalous development of the hair, or by an alteration of the nails, which become spongy and blackish. In older days the disease was well known and occupied a prominent place in books on skin-diseases.

Now, this analysis of the Kowrarega personals has exhibited the evolution of one sort of pronoun out of another, with the addition of certain words expressive of number, the result being no true inflexion but an agglutination or combination of separate words.

These are examples of incorporation and agglutination in the grammatical system of languages which are justly cited as models of an interior development by inflexion. Many things, which appear to us at present inflexions of a radical, have perhaps been in their origin affixes, of which there have barely remained one or two consonants.