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There is no water here, they go to Agath to bring their water for themselves and their flocks. Of course, the complexion of these shepherdesses is quite brown or brown-black, by exposure to the weather. I shall ever remember the modest air with which a nomade young woman came and presented us with a bowl of milk. It was modesty's self's picture!

My Affray with the Egyptian. Route to Tripoli, viâ Shaty and Mizdah. Features and Colour of Fezzaneers. My Journey from The Wady to Mourzuk, on leaving the Slave-Caravans. Tombs of former Inhabitants, and Legends about them. Bleak and Black Plateau. The Targhee Scout. Have a Bilious Attack. Desert Arcadians, and lone Shepherdesses. Oasis of Agath, and its want of Hospitality. 12th.

ROSE early, and got off again as well as I could, considering I had had little or nothing to eat for the last two days, and should have nothing till the evening, when we expected to reach Mourzuk. Course east and south-east. Still cold and windy. Palms scattered over all the route, from Agath to Mourzuk, but only a few of them cultivated.

Nothing was given in return for the milk, for we had nothing to give. But if offered it would not have been accepted, by the laws of hospitality amongst these desert Arcadians. The reason now assigned for not giving us a kid, is, all the men are absent, and they cannot part with one, even if money be sent from Mourzuk for payment. About 3 P.M., to my great joy, we arrived at the village of Agath.

Hospitality certainly does not flourish at Agath. It's odd, the only time I was seriously ill, and really wanted hospitality, I found it not. To-day we picked off several fine pieces of gum from the tholh. Many of the trees had their branches lopped off, first for allowing the goats to nibble the green leaves, and afterwards to use the dry branches for firing.