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"Her name's Mason," said I; "Mary Mason." "I h'ard yer wife was thinkin' o' keepin' a hoosemaid, but I didna expeck tae see her pap hersel' doon at the table wi' the fem'ly." "She's not a housemaid. She's just staying with us for a while." "Ye'd think Eesabell micht hae eneugh adae wi' her ain, 'thoot takin' in ony strangers."

She'll sune be in her grave, Mr. Graham. Folk maun hae fresh air. What way d'ye no' set her oot every day? 'She is welcome to go if she likes, miss. I don't keep her in, answered the old man tartly. 'Maybe no', but likely she has that muckle adae she canna get, replied Liz fearlessly. 'It's a fine nicht suppose ye tak' a walk wi' me? The shops is no' shut yet.

A general makes sometimes a fortunate mistake which brings about the winning of a great battle; and do they not sing on the eve of Easter, in the churches of the Roman rite: O certe necessarium Adae peccatum, quod Christi morte deletum est! O felix culpa, quae talem ac tantum meruit habere Redemptorem!

Hopps's misadventures of which Hillocks held the copyright. "Weel, MacLure had been awa' a' nicht wi' a shepherd's wife Dunleith wy, and he comes here withoot drawin' bridle, mud up tae the een. "'What's adae here, Hillocks? he cries; 'it's no an accident, is 't? and when he got aff his horse he cud hardly stand wi' stiffness and tire.