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Acis appears, reclined with his beloved Galatea, on the shore of the ocean, whilst their gigantic enemy, seated above on the brow of AEtna, seems by the paleness and horrors of his countenance to meditate some terrible revenge. When it was too late to examine the paintings any longer, I walked into a sort of court, or rather garden, which had been decorated with fountains and antique statues.

The rock cleaved open, and the water, as it gushed from the chasm, uttered a pleasing murmur." Thus Acis was changed into a river, and the river retains the name of Acis. Minerva was the goddess of wisdom, but on one occasion she did a very foolish thing; she entered into competition with Juno and Venus for the prize of beauty. It happened thus.

I did my best to lift your prehistoric impulses on to the plane of beauty, of imagination, of romance, of poetry, of art, of ACIS. These things are all very well in their way and in their proper places. But they are not love. They are an unnatural adulteration of love. Love is a simple thing and a deep thing: it is an act of life and not an illusion. Art is an illusion. ARJILLAX. That is false.

THE HE-ANCIENT. It imprisons us on this petty planet and forbids us to range through the stars. ACIS. But even a vortex is a vortex in something. You cant have a whirlpool without water; and you cant have a vortex without gas, or molecules or atoms or ions or electrons or something, not nothing.

ACIS. If you don't want to hear, go away. You go ahead, Pyg. PYGMALION. I went ahead. You see, the lower potentials of the Life Force could make maggots, but not human eyes or ears. I improved the tissue until it was susceptible to a higher potential. PYGMALION. Then the eyes and ears turned into cancers. ECRASIA. Oh, hideous! PYGMALION. Not at all. That was a great advance.

The rock cleaved open, and the water, as it gushed from the chasm, uttered a pleasing murmur." Thus Acis was changed into a river, and the river retains the name of Acis. Dryden, in his "Cymon and Iphigenia," has told the story of a clown converted into a gentleman by the power of love, in a way that shows traces of kindred to the old story of Galatea and the Cyclops.

ACIS. Of course we are always delighted to see you; but still, if it tries you very severely, we could manage pretty well by ourselves, you know. THE SHE-ANCIENT. Tell me, Acis: do you ever think of yourself as having to live perhaps for thousands of years? ACIS. Oh, don't talk about it.

Byron alludes to the story of Sappho in Childe Harold, Canto II.: Those who wish to know more of Sappho and her leap, are referred to the Spectator, Nos. 223 and 229, and also to Moore's Evenings in Greece. Orion. Aurora and Tithonus. Acis and Galatea Endymion was a beautiful youth who fed his flock on Mount Latmos. One calm, clear night, Diana, the Moon, looked down and saw him sleeping.

Thither one day the huge Cyclops ascended, and sat down while his flocks spread themselves around. Laying down his staff, which would have served for a mast to hold a vessel's sail, and taking his instrument compacted of numerous pipes, he made the hills and the waters echo the music of his song. I lay hid under a rock by the side of my beloved Acis, and listened to the distant strain.

ACIS. Four! I am sorry, Strephon. I am getting on for three myself; and I know what old age is. I hate to say 'I told you so'; but she was getting a little hard set and flat-chested and thin on the top, wasn't she? ACIS. You must pull yourself together. This is going to be a busy day. First the birth. Then the Festival of the Artists.