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Et made me cry praaper-butiful et was! 'Twas June then, but she'd afound a little bit of apple-blossom left over somewheres, and stuck et in 'er 'air. That's why I thinks 'er must abeen in an extarsy, to go to et gay, like that. Why! there wasn't more than a fute and 'arf o' watter. But I tell 'ee one thing that meadder's 'arnted; I knu et, an' she knu et; an' no one'll persuade me as 'tesn't.

'The funny part of it were that she vowed and declared as she put the child at your door, and never came this way at all; leastways, from what she said it must abeen your house, for she said it was hard by the church and had a thick hedge, and that there was a kind sorter body as she see there in the morning, as must abeen Mrs Sands, and nobody else from her account.

I remember him because it took some explainin' to get the bet through his noddle. He was a soft mark for a bunco steerer. I've seen some fresh kids playin' the horses, but he had 'em all beat to a standstill. It must abeen first-time luck with him, for he cashed." "Can you describe him?"

An' I've never knowed it to do anybody no harm but old elder Shotts of Clay County. An' ef he'd a stuck to it straight he'd abeen all right now. But one of these old-time Virginia gentlemen stopped with him all night onct, an' tor't the old man how to make a mint julip; an' when I went down the next year to hold services his wife told me the good old man had been gathered to his fathers.

And Babe, I know that pernicious old reptyle same as if I'd abeen through him with a lantern." His early religious training accounts for the fact that the technical language of the teamster contains so many names of places and people spoken of in the Bible. The buckskin harness used on Babe and Benny when the weather was rainy was made by Brimstone Bill.

I wonder now could he have been that Oscar Gleeb we been hearin' so much about since comin' down here, got an idea he might abeen, ain't you, Boss?" "Just as like as not," Jack told him. "Huh!

"Then how about you, Step Hen," pursued Davy, determined to put it to each of the scoffers in turn until he had shown them up in good style; "I notice that you're looking like you didn't reckon there couldn't abeen such a thing as a genuine panther around this region in the last twenty years and more. Suppose you tumble up there, and take a look- in!"