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"As Doc Peets comes out a-leadin' of Texas, it's noticed that Texas has got a tin cup. "'Whatever's your gent a-packin' of that yootensil for? demands Tutt, mighty truculent. 'Is this yere to be a combat with dippers? "'Oh, no! says Peets, like he's tryin' to excuse somethin', 'but he insists on fetchin' it so hard, that at last to soothe him I gives my consent.

Dodd, easily, nibbling her pen holder, "when it comes to light, just remember that it's mine. I don't doubt it'll turn up sometime. An' now, my dear, I'll just begin on them letters. Cousin Si Martin's folks are a-packin' an' expectin' to get here next week. I suppose you're willin' to furnish the stamps?" "Willing!" cried Dorothy, "I should say yes!" Mrs.

Well, the soldier he stopped kinder halted, you know, like a private soldier will when his presidin' officer speaks to him and he says to him, "W'y," he says, "Cap, it's a comrade o' mine and the pore feller has got his leg shot off, and I'm a-packin' him back to where the doctors is; and there was nobody to he'p him, and the feller would 'a' died in his tracks er track ruther if it hadn't a-been fer me, and I'm a-packin' him back where the surgeons can take keer of him; where he can get medical attendance er his wife's a widder!" he says, " 'cause he's got his leg shot off!"

He caught something harder than a blanket and pulled out a fearful thing a shapeless, muddy bunch of leather tied together with wire and twine. From its ragged end, like the head and claws of a disturbed turtle, protruded human toes. "Who-ee!" yelled Long Collins. "Ranse, are you a-packin' around of corpuses? Here's a howlin' grasshoppers!"

And look at them clouds edgin' in on the moon like they was thugs a-packin' blackjacks and waitin' for an openin' to whale in. Lonesome? Say, it gives me chills, a night like this. It don't seem to have no heart, somehow, nor mercy nor nuthin', does it? It's all wrong! It ain't dark enough, and it ain't light enough; it's too quiet, and the wind makes too much noise.

'N' darned if I could ever quite figure out why, 'n' him so smart, 'nless because he goes poundin' through the bush like a bunch o' shantymen to their choppin', with his head stuck in his stummick, studyin' some new trick to play on a trout, makin' so much noise th' deer must nigh laugh theirselves to death at him a-packin' o' a gun. "Hunt? Warry? Does he hunt?

She guv me and Bart and my own sunbeam notice to quit," gasped Deborah, almost weeping, "an' quit we will this very day, Bart bein' a-packin' at this momingt. 'Ear 'im knocking, and I wish he wos a-knockin' at Mrs. Krill's 'ead, that I do, the flauntin' hussy as she is, drat her." "I'll go up and see Sylvia. No, Deborah, don't you come for a few minutes.

And he hadn't got more'n a couple o' rods with him when another cannon-ball come along and tuk his head off, shore enough! and the curioust thing about it was ha! ha! that the feller was a-packin' him didn't know that he had been hit ag'in at all, and back he went still carryin' the deceased back ha! ha! ha! to where the doctors could take keer of him as he thought.

"You don't know our Dick, Mrs. Wilson," said Joe, to the old housekeeper; "if you did, you'd understand why I no more dare go agen wot Dick told me, than I dare put my 'and in that 'ere fire. When I were quite a little chap, I took some big yaller plums once, out of one of the punnits father was a-packin' for market, and I eat 'em.

"It's the chink!" exploded Billy pantingly. "They tried to run him off the place! He's locked the kitchen and gone to throwin' out hot water and Chinese language like a fire-engine on a drunk. And now they're all a-packin' up to quit the house, and you won't have a doggone boarder left, fer they won't eat Chinese chuck!"