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That thar Shif'less Sol is one uv the smartest men the world hez ever seed, an' while part uv our band is inside a big part uv it is outside, a-helpin' us." "Wake up Paul and Tom and tell 'em the time has come." In an instant all four were crouching beside the opening, their rifles ready.

But his shrivelled and shrunken auditor grinned appreciatively, and said, with more than his usual vindictive emphasis: "A-a-h! that's the right kind of talk. Now you're gittin' past all this make-believin' to the truth. We're a cussed mean set we folk who go to church and read the Bible, and then do just what the devil tells us, a-helpin him along all the time.

The hot sun shone on her colorless hair, which was drawn back from the plain face. "Ye air a-helpin' him with Tess," Ben grunted presently. "If ye ever wants me to come to yer hut, keep yer mouth shet, and let me and Ezy fight it out. Do ye hear?" "Yep." "Then scoot home now." Myra turned, and then stopped. "Ben," she called softly again. "What be ye a-wantin' now?"

"Yes, an' you air a-helpin' the furriners to rob yo' own kin; you air a-doin' hit yo'self." "Jason!" The old man spoke sternly and the boy stopped, flushed and angry, and a moment later slipped from the room.

"When I speak of the great coming earthquake," said Carker, "you know I'm talking figuratively. But you haven't answered my question. Where did you chaps come from?" "Right up from old Mexico," replied Ephraim. "We've been down there, me and Barney, a-helpin' put through the new Central Sonora Railroad.

I had turned into my bunk and gone to sleep, when Mr. Jezzard calls down to me: 'We're putting Mr. Hearn ashore, says he; 'and then, he says, 'we're a-going for an hour's fishing. You needn't sit up, he says, and with that he shuts the scuttle. Then I got up and slid back the scuttle and put my head out, and I see Mr. Jezzard and Mr. Leach a-helpin' Mr. Hearn acrost the deck. Mr.

Don't tell ME, s'I; there WUZ help, s'I; 'n' ther' wuz a PLENTY help, too, s'I; ther's ben a DOZEN a-helpin' that nigger, 'n' I lay I'd skin every last nigger on this place but I'D find out who done it, s'I; 'n' moreover, s'I " "A DOZEN says you! FORTY couldn't a done every thing that's been done.

"Ay, an' a friend was helpin' him, an' here's a dozen of us a-helpin' of one supercargo." "And I'm much obliged to you, Mr. Bulger. But what were you cheering for?" "Cheerin'! Why, you wouldn't guess. 'Twas General Clive, matey." "General Clive!" "Ay, General Clive, him what chased the mounseers out o' Fort St. George with a marlinspike.

I ain't no bloomin' judge an' jury t' set on your case, anyway. You'll get a square trial same as everybody gets. But you ain't a-helpin' yourself a-cuttin' of didoes like this." "I haven't time to go into details," Mac told him, "and I don't suppose you'd believe me if I did.

"That's it, that's it! we're all right at his elbow, a-helpin' him along. But how did this story start? The scribbler in the German paper couldn't have spun it, like a spider, hully out of his own in'ards." Haldane told him the whole story, sketching the "kind-hearted German" in his true colors. At its conclusion Mr.