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"He's a-using his whip, he is, to rights," said the ostler boy. "Hullo!" said poor old Tommy Byles; "here's another bloomin' loonatic. Blowed if there aint." "It's old George," said old Tootles, "and he's drivin' a loonatic, as you say. Aint he a-clawin' out of the keb? Wonder if he's after 'Arry 'Icks?" The group round the cabmen's shelter became animated. Chorus: "Go it, George!" "It's a race."

The skipper looked older, wiser and less sure of himself than in the brisk days before the raid. "I bes a poor man now," he said. "Sure, them robbers broke t'rough this harbor somethin' desperate! Didn't the back o' the chimley look like the divil had been a-clawin' it out?" "Quick come and quick go! Ye bes lucky, lad, they didn't sail away wid yer fore-an'-after," said Mother Nolan.

"Wall," sez I cheerfully, as I started for the buttery with a pile of cups in one hand, the castor and pickle dish in the other, and a pile of napkins under my arm, "I believe I shall like it as well again if you do, any way," sez I, as I kicked away the cat that wuz a-clawin' my dress, and opened the door with my foot, both hands bein' full. "Any way, there will be as much agin truth in it."

"Go away you coward!" she cried. Then she hid her face in her hands and began to sob. Tears glinted between her fingers, beside the diamonds. At that moment Mother Nolan entered and clutched her grandson by the elbow. "Get out wid ye, ye great hulkin' fool!" she exclaimed. "Oh, I seed ye a-clawin' at her little hand. An' now ye've set her to weepin', ye great lump!

"An', by gosh!" the Bear Paw Pool man was saying, "when they'd all got their money down an' the bull dog was a-clawin' the floor to git at the badger, an' the pilgrims was crowded around with their eyes a-bungin' out of their heads, ol' Two Dot Wilson, he shoves the barrel over an' they wasn't a doggone thing in under it but a " "What yeh goin' to have, youse?"

Just by accident I'd laid holt of him where he was tender; an' when he felt that leg go say, lemme tell you, he was some excited. He forgits all about Clarence, and he lines out for me, a-clawin' the air. Lucky he'd left his gun in the other room.

"He's a-using his whip, he is, to rights," said the ostler boy. "Hullo!" said poor old Tommy Byles; "here's another bloomin' loonatic. Blowed if there ain't." "It's old George," said Old Tootles, "and he's drivin' a loonatic, as you say. Ain't he a-clawin' out of the keb? Wonder if he's after 'Arry 'Icks?" The group round the cabman's shelter became animated. Chorus: "Go it, George!"

In 'bout a minute we seen a puff of smoke bust up out of the hole, 'n' then everything let go with an awful crash, 'n' about four million ton of rocks 'n' dirt 'n' smoke 'n' splinters shot up 'bout a mile an' a half into the air, an' by George, right in the dead centre of it was old Tom Quartz a-goin' end over end, an' a-snortin' an' a-sneez'n, an' a-clawin' an' a-reach'n' for things like all possessed.

Around the whole ran a battered wall, patched with furs; and from this dwelling the screams were issuing "Joan!" the voice began, "Joan Jan Tergagle's a-clawin' my legs Gar-rout, thou hell cat Blast thee, let me zog! Pull'n off Joan Jo-an!" The voice died away into a wail; then broke out in a racket of curses. Joan stepped to the door and flung it wide.

First thing I knew I seen him mosying along kind of easy, wonderin' most likely what had become of me, and if I tasted as good as my lunch. Say! when he seen me he looked real pleased. And then he came a-jumpin' for me. "'Whoof! he says. "'Whoof! says the one behind me. "Bang I goes, slap off the trail sideways, a-plungin' and a-clawin' through the brush like a wild man.