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Hennessy's request for information, "is a champeen checker-player. Whin th' war broke out, me frind Mack wint to me frind Hanna, an' says he, 'What, he says, 'what can we do to cr-rush th' haughty power iv Spain, he says, 'a'n br-ring this hateful war to a early conclusion?" he says. 'Mobilize th' checker-players, says Hanna.

Marcabrun knows the technical terms cortesia and mesura, which he defines: mesura, self-control or moderation, "consists in nicety of speech, courtesy in loving. He may boast of courtesy who can maintain moderation." The poem concludes with a dedication to Jaufre Rudel Lo vers e·l son vueill envier A'n Jaufre Rudel outra mar. "The words and the tune I wish to send to Jaufre Rudel beyond the sea."

"Didn't I tell you gents the ring was there?" broke in Andy Royce. "I told you the truth, didn't I?" "You did, Royce," answered Dick. "A'n' wot about it, are you goin' to lemme go?" questioned the former gardener, eagerly. "Not just yet," broke in Tom. "Why not? You can't hold me for stealin' when there wasn't nuthin' taken."

I wish I could do him an ill turn, sighed she, with some kind of expression on her face that made Kester quail a little. 'Nay, lass! he'll get it fra' others. Niver fret thysel' about sich rubbish. A'n done ill to speak on him. 'No! thou hasn't. 'Niver's a long word, said Kester, musingly. 'A could horsewhip him, or cast stones at him, or duck him mysel'; but, lass! niver's a long word!

I wish I could do him an ill turn, sighed she, with some kind of expression on her face that made Kester quail a little. 'Nay, lass! he'll get it fra' others. Niver fret thysel' about sich rubbish. A'n done ill to speak on him. 'No! thou hasn't. 'Niver's a long word, said Kester, musingly. 'A could horsewhip him, or cast stones at him, or duck him mysel'; but, lass! niver's a long word!