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Mine are the stars there, ever as ye gaze, Ye meet the deep spell of my haunting eyes; Mine is the moon and, mournful if her rays, 'Tis that she lingers where her Carian lies. The flowers are mine the blushes of the rose, The violet charming Zephyr to the shade; Mine the quick light that in the Maybeam glows, And mine the day-dream in the lonely glade.

The older streets are mere alleys, about twenty feet wide, of which the sidewalks take up seven. Light and ample ventilation are obtained by grated window-openings without frames or glass. The dwellings and public buildings throughout Cuba are planned to give free passage to every zephyr that wafts relief from the oppressive heat.

As a mariner of the coast, in mistral or sirocco, levanter or zephyr, few can claim more practice; and for knowing an acquaintance in a carnival, I believe the father of evil himself could not be so disguised that eye of mine should not see his foot! For anticipating a gale, or looking behind a mask, Signor Roderigo, I know not my own equal among men of small learning."

One of her delights in growing things on the farm had been to watch the youth of the hemp a field of it, tall and wandlike and tufted. If the north wind blew upon it, the myriad stalks as by a common impulse swayed southward; if a zephyr from the south crossed it, all heads were instantly bowed before the north. West wind sent it east and east wind sent it west.

The boat was loosed, pushed out into the lake without noise, and towed down to the Zephyr's house. But here the doors were found to be fastened; and one of the boys had to enter by a window, and draw the bolt. The boat was then secured without difficulty. "Now, Charley, you get into the Zephyr with two fellows, and tow the Sylph off," said Tim, in a whisper. "Shan't I get my crew first?"

But at the same instant a little zephyr taking her astern, caused the white tissue which English-women never mention, to gently undulate. She noticed then that she had forgotten to shut her window. "Heavens," cried Marcel to himself, for it was he, who perched on the rise of the road and armed with his good opera-glass, had just been witness of what I have narrated.

It might soothe, caress, even reprimand, but it could never jest; for life to Mrs. Ambler was soft, yet serious, like a continued prayer to a pleasant and tender Deity. "I'm sure I don't see how you stood it," said Betty, sympathetically. "Oh, I rode, my dear," returned her mother. "I used to ride very often with your father or or one of the others. I had a brown mare named Zephyr."

The zephyr again prevailed the idle once more issued forth for their sunset walk and the gossips were collecting to renew their conjectures and to start some new point in their already exhausted discussions, when a rumor spread through the place, like fire communicated to a train, that "ze Ving-y-Ving" was once more coming down on the weather side of the island, precisely as she had approached on the previous evening, with the confidence of a friend and the celerity of a bird.

She does not trip for their amusement: perhaps she trips it when they go on the light fantastic toe, but there is no evidence; there is only a zephyr of conjecture, only the world's low whisper not yet broken into storm not yet. Yes, she is a source of disappointment to them.

"We will go ashore and try to find my father," added Frank. "Ready pull!" Away dashed the Zephyr towards her boat house, while the Butterfly came about so that Tony could leap on shore. Of course both Captain Sedley and George Weston were surprised at the sudden action of the clubs; but the deed was too noble, too honorable to their kind hearts to want their sanction, and it was readily given.