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If there were green roses anywhere, the trellis that adorned the small back porch was the logical place for them to be. He found nothing but bedraggled Virginia creeper and more dead leaves. He tried the back door, and finding it locked, circled the rest of the way around the house. Judith was waiting for him on the front porch. "How nice of you to walk Zarathustra," she said icily.

Had she forgotten to latch it? he wondered. Or had she deliberately left it unlatched so that Zarathustra could get in? Zarathustra himself lent plausibility to the latter conjecture by rising up on his hind legs and pushing the door the rest of the way open with his forepaws, after which he trotted into the hall and disappeared. Philip pounded on the panels. "Miss Darrow!" he called. "Judith!"

When Zarathustra went one day over the great bridge, then did the cripples and beggars surround him, and a hunchback spake thus unto him: "Behold, Zarathustra! Even the people learn from thee, and acquire faith in thy teaching: but for them to believe fully in thee, one thing is still needful thou must first of all convince us cripples!

Did not Zarathustra so philosophize, and is not the national trend in Europe exalting his theory? With the difference that nationalism takes the place of individualism in the scheme of survival and a better place in the sun is the legend on the banners.

As soon as the maidens recognised Zarathustra, they ceased dancing; Zarathustra, however, approached them with friendly mien and spake these words: Cease not your dancing, ye lovely maidens! No game-spoiler hath come to you with evil eye, no enemy of maidens. God's advocate am I with the devil: he, however, is the spirit of gravity. How could I, ye light-footed ones, be hostile to divine dances?

When, however, they reached the door of the cave and the noise of their steps had preceded them, the lion started violently; it turned away all at once from Zarathustra, and roaring wildly, sprang towards the cave. The higher men, however, when they heard the lion roaring, cried all aloud as with one voice, fled back and vanished in an instant.

Sure enough, he had a stowaway in the back seat a tawny-haired stowaway with golden eyes, over-sized ears, and a restless, white-tipped tail. "Zarathustra!" he gasped. "How in the dickens did you get in there?" "Ruf," Zarathustra replied. Philip groaned. Now he would have to go all the way back to Valleyview. Now he would have to see Judith Darrow again.

"What!" said he, "have not the most ludicrous things always happened to us old anchorites and saints? Verily, my folly hath grown big in the mountains! Now do I hear six old fools' legs rattling behind one another! But doth Zarathustra need to be frightened by his shadow? Also, methinketh that after all it hath longer legs than mine."

And if thou wouldst now die, O Zarathustra, behold, we know also how thou wouldst then speak to thyself: but thine animals beseech thee not to die yet! Thou wouldst speak, and without trembling, buoyant rather with bliss, for a great weight and worry would be taken from thee, thou patientest one! 'Now do I die and disappear, wouldst thou say, 'and in a moment I am nothing.

"Dost thou know truly, my brother, the word scorn? And the pain of thy righteousness, to be just that which thou dost scorn?... "As I lay in sleep a sheep ate up the ivy crown of my head ate and then said: 'Zarathustra is no more a scholar. "Said it and went strutting away, and proud. A child told it to me.... "This is the truth.