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Perhaps he hath deceived you. The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies, but also to hate his friends. One requiteth a teacher badly if one remain merely a scholar. And why will ye not pluck at my wreath? Ye venerate me; but what if your veneration should some day collapse? Take heed lest a statue crush you! Ye say, ye believe in Zarathustra?

So, when I came down to my library that evening dressed for dinner, I found him, still in morning clothes, with "Thus Spake Zarathustra" on his knees, and a bewildered expression on his face. "Have you read this, Hilary?" he asked. "Yes," said I. "Understand it?" "More or less." "Gosh!" said he, shutting the book, "and I suppose Doria understands it too, or she wouldn't have recommended it.

Up thither is the way to Zarathustra's cave: it is not far, wilt thou not attend to thy wounds at my home? It hath gone badly with thee, thou unfortunate one, in this life: first a beast bit thee, and then a man trod upon thee!" When however the trodden one had heard the name of Zarathustra he was transformed.

Easy is it to throw in a stone: if it should sink to the bottom, however, tell me, who will bring it out again? Guard against injuring the anchorite! If ye have done so, however, well then, kill him also! Thus spake Zarathustra. I have a question for thee alone, my brother: like a sounding-lead, cast I this question into thy soul, that I may know its depth.

Who have also the largest, heaviest feet. Where I have gone, the way is bad. I tread all paths to death and destruction. But that thou passedst me by in silence, that thou blushedst I saw it well: thereby did I know thee as Zarathustra. Every one else would have thrown to me his alms, his pity, in look and speech. But for that I am not beggar enough: that didst thou divine.

With the hydrangealike blooms that garnished every corner. With Pfleugersville itself. Obviously the hour was late, for, other than himself, there was no one on the streets, although lights burned in the windows of some of the houses, and dogs of the same breed and size as Zarathustra occasionally trotted by. And yet according to his watch the time was 10:51.

But thou, O Zarathustra, wouldst view the ground of everything, and its background: thus must thou mount even above thyself up, upwards, until thou hast even thy stars UNDER thee! Yea! To look down upon myself, and even upon my stars: that only would I call my SUMMIT, that hath remained for me as my LAST summit!

Where everything maimed, ill-famed, lustful, untrustful, over-mellow, sickly-yellow and seditious, festereth pernicious: Spit on the great city and turn back! Here, however, did Zarathustra interrupt the foaming fool, and shut his mouth. Stop this at once! called out Zarathustra, long have thy speech and thy species disgusted me!

"Some day," Philip told the little dog, "that chip she carries on her shoulder is going to fall off of its own accord, and by then it will be too late the way it was too late for me when I found out that the person I'd been running away from all my life was myself in wolf's clothing." "Ruf," said Zarathustra, looking up at him with benign golden eyes. "Ruf-ruf!"

At length he can withstand him no longer, and, on the plea that the higher man is on his ground and therefore under his protection, Zarathustra departs in search of him, leaving Schopenhauer a higher man in Nietzsche's opinion in the cave as a guest. On his way Zarathustra meets two more higher men of his time; two kings cross his path.