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Nor is any extravagant assumption called for as to the intensity of the electrical charge concerned in producing these effects. Zöllner, in fact, showed that it need not be higher than that attributed by the best authorities to the terrestrial surface.

Notwithstanding its high albedo 0·62, according to Zöllner proof is wanting that any of the light of Uranus is inherent. Mr. Albert Taylor announced, indeed, in 1889, his detection, with Common's giant reflector, of bright flutings in its spectrum; but Professor Keeler's examination proved them to be merely contrast effects.

The interesting query as to Jupiter's surface incandescence has been studied since Bond's time with the aid of all the appliances furnished to physical inquirers by modern inventiveness, yet without bringing to it a categorical reply. Zöllner in 1865, Müller in 1893, estimated his albedo at 0·62 and 0·75 respectively, that of fresh-fallen snow being 0·78, and of white paper 0·70.

Its natural and obvious character was shown by its having struck several observers independently. The distinction of "cloud-prominences" from "flame-prominences" was announced by Lockyer, April 27; by Zöllner, June 2; and by Respighi, December 4, 1870. The first description are tranquil and relatively permanent, sometimes enduring without striking change for many days.

A new line of inquiry was struck out by Zöllner in 1870. Instead of tracking the solar radiations backward with the dubious guide of empirical formulæ, he investigated their intensity at their source.

Story of the Heavens, 2nd edition, p. 525, et seq. A series of researches made by Zöllner, of Leipzig, led him to assign to the light-reflecting capacity of the full-moon a result intermediate between that obtained by Bouguer, which gave a brightness equal to 1/300000 part of that of the sun, and of Wollaston, which gave 1/801070 part.

Only of late has the "electrical theory," of which Zöllner regarded Olbers as the founder, assumed a definite and measurable form, capable of being tested by the touchstone of fact, as knowledge makes its slow inroads on the fundamental mystery of the physical universe.

For in view of the hopes of a possible explanation of life, which is expected to be the reward for the success of these attempts, Zöllner is fully right in saying: "That the scientists to-day set such an extremely high value on the inductive proof of the generatio æquivoca, is the most significant symptom of how little they have made themselves acquainted with the first principles of the theory of knowledge.

Only since it was adopted and enforced by Zöllner in 1865, can it be regarded as permanently acquired to science. The rapid changes in the cloud-belts both of Jupiter and Saturn, he remarked, attest a high internal temperature. For we know that all atmospheric movements on the earth are sun-heat transformed into motion.

A nail driven down through the sleeve of the medium's dress seems to increase our control of her, and a metronome or a Morse telegraphic sounder does add value to our testimony, and yet Zöllner seems nearer right than Miller: matter seems only a condition of force, and subject to change at the will of the psychic.