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In the district of Yun, in the north-western part of the Province, said the crafty and treacherous King-y-Yang, a particular kind of insect was greatly esteemed on account of the beneficent influence which it exercised over the rice plants, causing them to mature earlier, and to attain a greater size than ever happened in its absence.

Strange coincidence Chia Cheng was in madame Wang's apartments consulting with her upon some matter or other, and Chin Ch'uan-erh, Ts'ai Yun, Ts'ai Feng, Ts'ai Luan, Hsiu Feng and the whole number of waiting-maids were all standing outside under the verandah.

Six prisoners, including Yun Chi-ho and Yang Ki-tak, were sentenced to ten years' penal servitude; eighteen to seven years' penal servitude; forty to six years; forty-two to five years; and seventeen discharged. The trial was widely reported, and there was a wave of indignation, particularly in America.

Now he's going to move them off. Watch and listen!" "Ye-a-ou-w!" came the long-drawn cry, fiercely threatening, representing in English speech the word "squad." Then followed an expletive, "Yun!" which for explosive quality made a rifle crack seem a drawl, and which appeared to release in the men a hidden spring drawn to its utmost tension.

A third province, Kwangsi, under a veteran who was much respected, General Lu Yun Ting, was soon added; and gradually as in 1911 it became clear that the army was only one chessman in a complicated and very ingenious game.

Li Yuan-hung elected President assumes the office first presidential acts monarchists plot against him his early life and career his position as to breaking diplomatic relations with Germany he dissolves Parliament escapes from Pekin his important telegrams Liang Ch'i-chao, resigns from Ministry of Justice his accusation of Yuan Shih-kai his address to Yuan Shih-kai opposes the movement directs the Yunnan revolt writes note to Germany on the submarine war his Memorandum on the war question upholds the Republic Liang Shih-yi, political power of Likin taxation, introduction of Liu-Kuan-hsiung Loan Agreement, details of first foreign foreign, struggles over Local Government Law, draft of Lu Yun Ting, Gen.

She was chattering all the while, but it was impossible for us to understand the cause of her mission until she had come up to us and had taken a moment's rest. Then, the tears springing from her eyes and terror in her voice, she exclaimed: "De yun' gem'men Massa Drake, Massa Alf'fed, dey is fiteten and tarr'en one udder to pieces.

"The absence of friends is unfortunate," said Lin Yi thoughtfully, after he had possessed himself of the coins indicated by Kai Lung, and also of a much larger amount concealed elsewhere among the story-teller's clothing. "My followers are mostly outlawed Miaotze, who have been driven from their own tribes in Yun Nan for man-eating and disregarding the sacred laws of hospitality.

A third province, Kwangsi, under a veteran who was much respected, General Lu Yun Ting, was soon added; and gradually as in 1911 it became clear that the army was only one chessman in a complicated and very ingenious game.

"There's no need to give her any!" "With what she can't eat, herself," Yuean Yang continued, "she can feed the cats." At these words, a matron lost no time in selecting two sorts of eatables, and, taking the box, she went to take them over. "Where's Su Yun gone to?" Yuean Yang asked. "They're all in here having their meal together." Li Wan replied. "What do you want her for again?"