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Here he made the fatal mistake of slapping Mr. McPherson on the shoulder. "It does me good to see a man who isn't a fanatic, but can take a glass and leave it alone, and give every other fellow the same privilege." "Yus." Jock drew in his breath with a peculiar snuffing sound that would have warned any one who knew him well that there was danger in the air.

Jim turned on her once or twice and said: 'Shut up! But it only made her more angry. 'I tell yer I shan't shut up. I don't care 'oo knows it, you're a , you are! I'm ashimed the children should 'ave such a father as you. D'yer think I didn't know wot you was up ter them nights you was awy courtin', yus, courtin'? You're a nice man, you are! Jim did not answer her, but walked on.

'I ain't comin' aht with yer ter-day, if thet's wot yer mean, she said. 'I never thought of arskin' yer, Liza after wot you said ter me last night. His voice was a little sad, and she felt so sorry for him. 'But yer did want ter speak ter me, didn't yer, Tom? she said, more gently. 'You've got a day off ter-morrow, ain't yer? 'Bank 'Oliday. Yus! Why?

She had got the offer again, and it only wanted a little seemly hesitation, and the thing was done. 'I should like ter, Tom, she said. 'But d'you think it 'ud be arright? 'Yus, of course it would. Come on, Liza! In his eagerness he clasped her hand. 'Well, she remarked, looking down, 'if it'd spoil your 'oliday . 'I won't go if you don't swop me bob, I won't! he answered.

Liza quite forgot her companion, and was intent on the scene; she watched the incidents breathlessly, trembling with excitement, almost beside herself at the celebrated hanging incident. When the curtain fell on the first act she sighed and mopped her face. 'See 'ow 'ot I am. she said to Jim, giving him her hand. 'Yus, you are! he remarked, taking it.

"Quit now, Lin McLean," shouted the voice, "or I'll put yus through that window, and it shut." "Well, Miss Peck, I'm gettin' most a full dose o' this treatment. Ever since yu' come I've been doing my best. And yu' just cough in my face. And now I'm going to quit and cough back." "Would you enjoy walkin' out till supper, ma'am?" inquired the Virginian as Molly rose.

"The very words. Lor lumme! how did you guess it?" He paused, his fingers holding the lighted match, which went out before he could apply it to his tobacco. "Yus. 'The Pipes of Pan. I don't know what it means. Anyway, he said he'd love to hear them in the real forest, but duty kept him to bricks and mortar and so he had to hear them in imagination.

'Yus, I shall, he said, going towards the pub, while she held him back. 'Let me go, can't yer! Let me go! He roughly pulled his arm away from her. As she tried to catch hold of it again, he pushed her back, and in the little scuffle caught her a blow over the face. 'Oh! she cried, 'you did 'urt! He was sobered at once. 'Liza, he said.

"But he'll be asleep," I objected. "He won't be asleep much longer." "Yus, roust 'im outer bed. That's wot I say. Wot 'o for more coin." It was now half-past two in the morning. I'd missed the 12:15 back to Brixton slap bang pop hours ago, so I thought I might just as well make a night of it. We jumped into our overcoats and hats, and hurried to Fleet Street.

Though I knew what he meant. "Them syles," he answered, and made a gesture towards the fore royal. I glanced up, briefly. All the lee side of the sail was adrift, from the bunt gasket outwards. Lower, I saw Tom; he was just hoisting himself into the t'gallant rigging. Williams spoke again. "We lost two on 'em just sime way, comin' art." "Two of the men!" I exclaimed. "Yus!" he said tersely.