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"There's just one thing more I wad like ta say to ye." The sergeant major's tendency to Doric was more noticeable in his moments of deeper feeling, "but it's something for you lads to give heed ta. When ye were scrammlin' up yonder, like a lot o' mavericks at a brandin', and yowlin' like a bunch o' coyotes, there was one man in the regiment who could laugh.

"She was all of a thrimble, as if she'd met a sperrit an' all the words she had was 'I seen it I seen it all, an' she yowlin' like a banshee." "It's quare we didn't take notice to her, for she must ha' been powerful close to see us such a night. I thought I heerd the horn, too, an' I lavin' the yard." She wint out to blow it," whispered Peter. "Most like it was stuck in the shrubbery she was."

I know witches when I see 'em. And when she turns herself into a cat and " "Does what?" demanded the Cap'n, testily. "Why, it wa'n't more'n three nights ago that I heard her yowlin' away in my barn chamber, and there she was, turned into a cat most as big as a ca'f, and I throwed an iron kittle at her and she come right through the bottom of it like it was a paper hoop. There, now!

I ain't passin' around no more warnin's, an' you two is talkin' mighty sudden or the mourners will be yowlin'. What's the verdict?" Chavis sighed. "We wasn't meanin' no harm," he apologized, some color coming into his face again. "An' you?" Randerson's level look confused Kester. "I ain't travelin' that trail no more," he promised, his eyes shifting.

They ain't never been mad yet, and I'm allers a yowlin' 'cause my bones and my heart hurt me." Flea looked up from her book meditatively. "They're both good, that's why." "It's 'cause they pray all the time, ain't it?" Floyd asked. "I guess so." "I'd a died those nights if Sister Ann hadn't prayed for me, wouldn't I, Flea?" "Yes," replied Flea in abstraction.

"At that we gav ower prayin', but kept kneelin' by his side an' waited for the Lord to sattle t' job. An' outside t' wind were yowlin' as if it would blow down t' walls and chimleys. But warr nor t' yowlin' o' t' wind were t' groans o' Sam Learoyd.

"No, Miss Julia; but the truth is, he's a poor cur of a creature that's not able to undertake a man's task at all; he's lyin' knocked up in Frank Finnerty's; moanin' and groanin' an' yowlin', like a sick hound; I had to carry or drag him over half the mountains; for, from the blessed hour of twelve o'clock this day, he wasn't able to put a foot undher him, an' he did nothing but blasphayme' an' curse every one he knew; your fathers and brothers, your sisther, and mother, and yourself; he cursed and blasphaymed you all, helther skelther; I could bear all, Miss.

I guess ye know how 't is one of them pesky, yowlin', chicken-stealin', rusty old nuisances that hain't any sociability to 'em, anyhow. "Well, there she was a-settin', comfortable as a hot punkin pie, and lookin' as if she owned the place. And there was the boy's gun right there handy. The cat riled me so, I jest loaded her up. 'T wa'n't in human natur' not to, now was it?

Such a jumpin' an' yowlin, as when I peppered them varmints; he! he! he! ho! ho! Arter this I had some 'at to eat; an' in a few days reached the company's post." "Did you ever see any of those redskins again?" I inquired. "Wal, you jest better believe I did. Yer see those five notches on this ere rifle? wal, they stand for Crows, they do."

"So say we all," remarked Frank; "for it will chase the blues away many a time, just to see the look on Uncle Toby's face, as he clung to that friendly limb." "Gorry, but I was mighty glad tuh git my claws on dat limb, Marse Frank. Wen I seed dem big yaller eyes a-starin' at me, an' heerd dat yowlin' noise, my knees dey jest wobbled together.