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That was a most untimely illness of yours. I'll see what can be done. It's a grave step to offend several of the most conspicuous men in the party." "Not so serious as to offend the party itself," I replied. "Money is a great power in politics, but partizanship is a greater." "I'll think it over," was the most he had the courage to concede. "I must look at all sides, you know.

"And you really believed that I could sully the great love I bear you by stooping to that! You really believed that I would sacrifice to you my home life, my honor, my prospects all that a man can give without testing the quality of your love! You did not know that I spoke to try you you actually did not know! Eh, but yours is a light nature, Patricia!

"I don't call those calculations in question," Arthur said; "I only say that yours are incomplete and premature; false in consequence, and, by every operation, multiplying into wider error. I do not condemn the men who murdered Socrates and damned Galileo. I say that they damned Galileo and murdered Socrates."

As soon as the boys discovered them, they went into raptures, exclaiming, "Oh, what a big drove of horses! Whose are they? Are they all yours? Can't I have one to ride? What are you going to do with them?" and a hundred other questions, asked more rapidly than I could possibly find opportunity to answer.

If you don't give me back my bow and let me be a chief, too, I'll I'll get even with you, sir, in a way you won't like. I have short hair, and my clothes are more Indian than yours, and I can shoot better than either of you, anyhow! So there! Give me my bow." "What will you do if I won't?" said Keith, teasingly, holding it behind him.

It began as such a letter might begin, 'Dearest Feemy, and ended 'Yours, ever and always, J.C. As she herself had pointed out, a man such as Caldigate does not usually call his wife by that most cherished name in writing to her. The letter itself referred almost altogether to money matters, though perhaps hardly to such as a man generally discusses with his wife.

"I nave seen her beloved face, luminous in purity and tender pity, reflected in yours, ever-honored Miss Beaufort, when your noble heart, more than once, looked in compassion on her son. And I then felt, with a wondering bewilderment, a sacred response in my soul, though I could not explain it to myself.

It was brought on you by your father, but you must be the more innocent because he was so guilty. You have had much out of it, it has helped you on your way. It does not mean so much now. By-and-by another an English-peerage may be yours by your own achievement. Let it go. There is so much left, Harry. It is a small thing in a world of work. It means nothing to me."

I thought I recognised you at street-corners, and I ran after all the carriages through whose windows I saw a shawl fluttering, a veil like yours." She seemed resolved to let him go on speaking without interruption. Crossing her arms and bending down her face, she looked at the rosettes on her slippers, and at intervals made little movements inside the satin of them with her toes.

"I'm going to sit here and see what you do to Miss Ailie," he said, determinedly. Mr. McLean said "Oh!" and then seemed favorably impressed, for he added quietly: "She is a friend of yours, is she? Well, I have no intention of hurting her." "You had better no," replied Tommy, stoutly. "Did she send you here?" "No; I came mysel'." "To protect her?"