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Thar's room in the house, an' the stable, which you can't see 'cause uv the trees, fur all the officers, an' they're buildin' lean-tos here to protect the soldiers an' the hosses. A lot uv the fellers hev brought forage down on thar own hosses fur yourn." "Mr. Reed," said the colonel, gratefully, "you and your men are true friends. But there's no danger of an ambush here?"

The fact is, we ain't got no eggs, no chickens, an' no land for the chickens to run an' lay eggs on." Their hostess nodded sympathetically. "An' there's something else about this outfit of yourn that I don't get the hang of," he pursued. "I can't just put my finger on it, but it's there all right." They were shown over the cattery, the piggery, the milkers, and the kennelry, as Mrs.

"Look here, Brummy," he said frankly, "where the hell do you keep that flamin' stuff o' yourn? I been tryin' to git at it ever since we left West-o'-Sunday." "I know you have, Swampy," said Brummy, affectionately as if he considered that Swampy had done his best in the interests of mateship. "I knowed yer knowed!" exclaimed Swampy, triumphantly. "But where the blazes did yer put it?"

Sais I, 'that's a likely beast of yourn, Elder, and I opened her mouth, and took a look at her, and no easy matter nother, I tell you, for she held on like a bear trap, with her jaws. "'She won't suit you, sais he, "with a smile, 'Mr. Slick. "'I guess not, sais I. "'But she'll jist suit the French, sais he.

Indeed, the shock was so overwhelming that in another instant she would have swooned and fallen to the floor had not the growing faintness been checked by the sound of a human voice. "A merry Christmas to ye, my good woman," said the Trapper. "A merry Christmas to ye and yourn!"

"Come along with me." "Can't do it. Where are yu' goin'?" "Christmasing," replied Fate. "Well, I've got to feed my horse. Christmasing, yu' say?" "Yes; I'm buying toys." "Toys! You? What for?" "Oh, some kids." "Yourn?" screeched Lin, precipitately.

You never see nothing of the kind before, did you?" "No," said Ellen. "What do you mean by 'laying them down, Mr. Van Brunt?" "Why, laying 'em down in salt for pork and hams. You want to see the whole operation, don't you? Well, here's a seat for you. You'd better fetch that painted coat o' yourn and wrap round you, for it ain't quite so warm here as up-stairs; but it's getting warmer.

If there is any angels she's as good as any of 'em; but it's her Death's arter, not me; look here at my arms stronger than yourn " and she held out her sinewy, tough arm, grasping her cane, to go in the house. But she found no disposition to sleep within her. Accustomed, as she was, to Aunt Peggy's fault finding, and her strange way of talking, she was particularly impressed with it to-night.

I think it must ha' been the squaw, for it begged for all the world, jist like an Indgian. I'd see you hanged fust, said I; I wouldn't touch that are dead tacky hand o' yourn' for half a million o' hard dollars, cash down without any ragged eends; and with that, I turned to run out, but Lord love you I couldn't run.

I can bear my torments, Simon Girty, for they're arthly, and will soon be over; but yourn who'll say what yourn'll be, when you come to answer afore Almighty God for this and other crimes! But that arn't for the like o' me to speak of now. I'm a dying man, and trust soon to be in a better world.