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When the rest of the youngsters marched out, Dick Haddon remained on his high perch. Kitty Grey, who brought up the tail of the procession, turned at the door and walked back to the master timorously and with downcast eyes; and Dick felt that a plea was to be made on his behalf, but could not hear what followed. 'Please, sir, if you won't cane him very much I'll give you this, said Kitty.

I looked back yearningly; it was as if the Academy was dragging me away from true Art. 'I think, if you don't mind, I'll get that old chap's address, I said. He looked back and shook his head in laughing reproof. 'Another study in dirt and ugliness! Oh, you youngsters! My heart grew hot against his smug satisfaction with his own conventional patterns and prettinesses.

"Good heavens, what do you ?" "Do you want to go back to Brooklyn Gilsonses?" "No, but " "Dear, can't we be crazy once, while we're youngsters?" "Don't bombard me so! Let me think. One must be practical, even in craziness." "I am. I have over a thousand dollars from the garage, and I can work evenings as dear Jeff suggested! We'd have a two-by-four flat Claire " "Oh, let me think.

Folks get up a talk that Robin went there to meet his sister's spirit, and it put the youngsters into a fright." Back came Mr. Jack in an incredibly short time. He could not have come much quicker, had he dashed right through the pool. Jan set himself to his work, and did not leave the woman until she was better. That was the best of Jan Verner.

"Fine-looking lot of youngsters," he remarked. "They'll make good soldiers." "Every one o' them true-blue, all wool and a yard wide. Captain," said Si. "You'll play fair, now, Captain, won't you, and choose for yourself?" said Capt. Scripps. "I've no doubt they're all good boys, but there's a choice in good boys, and that Sergeant of yours has learned where the choice is.

"It's a lie!" cried Dinshaw. "Them geodetic youngsters didn't look for my island, an' what's more, they wouldn't know it if they found it. That's why they come back with a 'Position Doubtful' report. Think I'm goin' to let them young whippersnappers know about my island so they can find it? Find it! I can find it with a bone quadrant and " "Find Tophet!" yelled Jarrow, and turned to the door.

He told me that the grandmother was dead, and that the old man, who never had half the gumption of his wife, was not able to control the five youngsters; so that they were getting out their heads at no allowance.

"These youngsters are all the same," he complained querulously. "They will put flowers into their reports. It is always a beast of a job to make 'em understand that we want a fact plain and prompt. They can do it all right in the witness-box, but when they get a pen in their hand they fancy they're budding Shakespeares. The old hands know better."

He nick-named him "Rosebud;" he talked at him whenever he had an opportunity; he poisoned the minds of the gang of youngsters against him; he spread malicious reports about him; he diminished his popularity, and embittered his feelings, by every secret and underhand means which, lay in his power. One method of torment was most successful.

Be that as it may, the old mine was surrounded by a halo of fear which we youngsters never cared to penetrate. On a fine afternoon an older sister would occasionally wander that way, together with a young M.D., whose principal patient seemed to be at our house, for his little black pony very frequently found shelter in our stable by the side of "old sorrel."