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But Rosella was glad that she and Drew had worked to send the news about Jesus to heathen children. Mary E. Bamford, in "Over Sea and Land." A True Story of a Young Christian It was late in May when we last saw Ti-to's father.

There in the long beautiful living-room of the Hostel sat a little audience, two black women-the cooks-several women in neat aprons and caps as if they had come in from their work, a soldier who had been reading the morning paper and who quietly laid it aside when the Bible reading began, a sailor who tiptoed up the two low steps from the cafe beyond the living- room where he had been having his morning coffee and doughnuts the young clerk from behind the office desk.

She for it appeared to be a young woman walked with about the same facility as Estra; but as soon as she had entered the space, took the seat Estra had vacated, and waited. The action rather disappointed the doctor. He removed the interpreting telephone from his head, and asked: "I rather thought we were going to meet one of your officials, Estra.

"Scoffer!" he laughed, as he sat down beside her. "You are young, and still too inexperienced to be disillusioned of all the charm of the good old times. How can I instruct you in the rights of mankind?" "And how am I to cure you of the slandering of mankind?"

When it was a kitten some young Plymborough roughs had hurled it into the little river, and were making of it what they termed a "cockshy," pelting it with stones, fortunately ineffectually, and trying to beat it under water, when the Doctor's footman, who was crossing the bridge, saw what was going on and made an unexpected charge upon the young ruffians, effectually scattering them.

McAravey, notwithstanding her self-righteous indignation when questioned by the clergyman, had in her heart a belief that religious instruction was the proper thing for children. She remembered the stern discipline of her own early years not, indeed, with any pleasure, but with a firm conviction that severe spiritual as well as physical labour was good for the young.

And in choosing young men to be their companions, they mean to be faithful to them, and pass their whole life in company with them, not to take them in their inexperience, and deceive them, and play the fool with them, or run away from one to another of them.

Do not give way to timidity. There is a marital courage, as there is a civil and military courage, as there is the courage of the National Guard. What is the first course of a young girl after having purchased a parrot? Is it not to fasten it up in a pretty cage, from which it cannot get out without permission? You may learn your duty from this child.

Beals," replied Ellen, uneasily. She wished that he would not talk so loud. "He sounds as if he were preaching fire and brimstone," said Robert. "No, he is talking about the labor question," replied Ellen. Then she looked confused, for she remembered that this young man's uncle was the head of Lloyd's, that he himself would be the head of Lloyd's some day.

With this warning and retort they separated; the young officer retracing his steps impatiently toward his mistress, muttering his indignation in suppressed execrations, and the pilot, drawing the leathern belt of his pea-jacket mechanically around his body, as he followed the midshipman and cockswain to their boat, in moody silence.