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The next day Margaret's brother took up a sack of coal on his bronco, so we made our way back over the trail we had broken the night before, to the store, and he built a fire for us. Later that same morning Chris rode over with a sack of coal tied on behind the saddle. "Yoost in case you should run out once," he said as he brought it in. "My wife she bane uneasy when she see no light last night."

"Democrat!" shouted the chestnut vender triumphantly. "No, sir! Yoost politigs," replied the unpartisan Bertha. "You keeb oud politigs." "Ahaha, du libra Ogostine, Ogostine, Ogostine! Ahaha, du libra Ogostine, Nees coma ross."

Everyting dot he has dold you vas yoost de udder way; no bread, no meelk, no vegebubbles noddings of dis, not von leedle bit. I vill make von leest come to-morrow." "Did you go, Joppy?" inquired Stebbins. "DID I GO? Yes, back to the depot and on to Cologne. That night I ate two plates of sauerkraut, a slice of pork and a piece of cheese the size of my hand; slept like a top."

You vas yoost so good a sailorman as I. You vas a bully boy und able seaman, und I pe proud for you! "Und Chris!" He turned as if he had forgotten something, and called back, "From dis time always you call me 'Emil' mitout der 'Mister'!" Jack London's First Story, Published at the Age of Seventeen. It was four bells in the morning watch.

"I do hobe, Mees Dorotee, dot id is not because of dot yong mans who vas so oncivil to me yoost now dot you vill not haf me. He vas dell me to go to der tuyvel ven I did say 'goot morning' yoost now." "It is no young man, sir. Mr. Foster is a person for whom I have a great regard, but I do not intend to marry him. I will only marry a gentleman. "Oh, bud, Mees Dorotee, am I not a yentle-mans?"

Poor Edward could think of nothing to say of Goethe. "He is great, I grant you," Chris would admit, "but vat is he if the vimmen leave him alone? Divine yoost that." And he would proceed to cite endless examples of generals and statesmen whose wives or mistresses had been their bane.

Py dat time he vos vhistling and singin' alretty, like nodings efer happen. Ve had de big fire roarin', I tell you, and vhen I say again he safe my life he yoost laugh like it is a fine yoke an' say: 'Oh, shut up, Stefan, ve're a pair big fools to get upset, anyvays. And some tay you do yoost same ting for me, I bet. And now now I can do nodings nodings at all."