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Seeing that you go from town to town, I ween you can outdo a poor country yokel at tidings." "All I have to tell," said the other, "is that I am especially commissioned" he felt mightily proud of these big words "especially commissioned to seek a bold outlaw which they call Robin Hood." "So?" said the other arching his brows. "How 'especially commissioned'?"

But instead of that, he stopped at our gate, and stood up from his saddle, and halloed as if he were somebody; and all the time he was flourishing a white thing in the air, like the bands our parson weareth. So I crossed the court-yard to speak with him. 'Service of the King! he saith; 'service of our lord the King! Come hither, thou great yokel, at risk of fine and imprisonment.

And what maid could be blind to De Courtenay's sparkling grace, compared to which he was himself a blundering yokel? Thus in bound darkness he reasoned it all out and strove to wash away the anger from his heart. And presently there came dawn. First a cold air blowing out of the forest, and then a deeper darkness that presently gave way to faint, shadowy light.

For among the mud-larks he recognises one who, early in the day, offered insult to himself, calling him a "country yokel." Having other fish to fry, he did not at the time resent it; but now he will see. Arriving at the spot, he sees, what he has already dimly suspected, that the mud-larks' victims are the three odd individuals who lately stopped in front of him.

How to change such an order to reverse it in effect, I knew no more than a yokel; but here again my ancient ally showed himself a man of parts. Dressing the pen to make it the fellow of that used by my Lord Cornwallis, he scanned the handwriting of the letter closely, made a few practice pot-hooks to get the imitative hang of it, and wrote this postscriptum at the bottom of the sheet.

Yet, somehow, I rather prefer that man, unpleasant as he was, and humiliating to patriotic pride as he was, to the dandy and ingrate of whom Mr. McAllister told. I like to think that, however Europeans may have laughed and wondered at the yokel out of place, for the sycophant denying his compatriots was reserved the bitterest of their contempt.

"Tell yer what," said the yokel, from whom they had borrowed the spade, "I'll pay you fifty cents a day to clean up my back pasture yonder. It's chock full of them black rocks." "It is?" exclaimed the professor eagerly. "I must visit it some day. It would be worth writing a paper about. Most remarkable. A whole field of these stones. Well, well, this is a great day for science.

"I'm just going to have a look at the horses." In the yard he found the yokel trying in vain to induce Banjo to enter a door that was too small for him. "All right," said the young man. "He won't fit." Mounting, he rode out into the field.

"I should like to know who uses the 'Three-decker, when the crew of the Fair Maid are here, without our licence? What is the matter with you, Trickster Tim? Are you afraid to handle the yokel?" Thus egged on, the man, who had given way under my angry looks, made at me again. But my blood was now up, and I dealt him a blow on the jaw which sent him down fairly to the floor.

And after all, she was common stuff a farmer's daughter, bred at the National School. By taking her he would be making just a yokel of himself.... Yet was it worth clinging to his simulacrum of gentility boosted up by his father's title and a few dead rites, such as the late dinner which had impressed her so much.