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The inherent, almost savage, independence of the peasant had kept him freer and of a nobler type than the English yokel even in the time before the Revolution, and in the little hamlet where Millet was born, the great upheaval had meant but little.

I am neither yokel nor beast." "They say a gentleman should be more dreaded." I stared at her, then laughed: "Ask yourself how far you need have dread of me when, if you desire it, you can leave me dumb, dismayed, lip-bound by your mocking tongue which God knows well I fear." "Is my tongue so bitter then? I did not know it." "I know it," said I with angry emphasis.

Some of the best of the William S. Hart productions show appreciation of this quality by the director, the photographer, and the public. Not only is the man but the horse allowed to be moving bronze, and not mere cowboy pasteboard. Many of the pictures of Charles Ray make the hero quite a bronze-looking sculpturesque person, despite his yokel raiment.

"Ride on the crest of the dishevelled tide, And dance upon the mountains like a flame." It is a dreadful thing to say that Mr. W.B.Yeats does not understand fairyland. But I do say it. He is an ironical Irishman, full of intellectual reactions. He is not stupid enough to understand fairyland. Fairies prefer people of the yokel type like myself; people who gape and grin and do as they are told. Mr.

"Livy and Caesar, and stuff like that, but mainly Virgil." "Then it's very, very curious," she whispered emphatically. No doubt yokel blood ought not to run like wine under the mighty pulse of Virgil, and I sourly asked, "What's curious, madam? Old Bloggs has nothing to teach except Latin, and I happened to take to it. Why curious?" "Really, Master Wheatman, not curious?

They are as unpardonable as the yokel rhetoric of our British friends. Of the Emperor's insistence upon his friendliness, of his outspoken betrayal of his real feelings, of his audacious policy of telling the blunt truth, I am, alas, no fair judge, for I am too entirely the advocate of keeping as few cats in the bag as possible.

A vision of our hero, glorious in his uniform, was in itself sufficient to ensnare the senses of any country yokel. It was a militant age.

"None of us ever know what will happen in this life, especially with sailor folk; and though you may think it difficult to `make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, for I can see, my lad, with half an eye that that unfortunate yokel is of a different stamp to you, still I've known stranger things occur.

The fumes are supposed to ascend to the clouds and stupefy the witches, so that they tumble down to earth. And in order that they may not fall soft, but may hurt themselves very much, the yokel hastily brings out a chair and tilts it bottom up so that the witch in falling may break her legs on the legs of the chair.

"And you shall explain why you are here with your " I should have strangled him if his foul tongue had wagged one word of insult, and he saw it in my eyes. He stopped, and his face showed that he had discovered the secret. "The sergeant recognizes you again, Molly," said I lightly. "Bammed and beaten by a damned yokel?" he burst out. "Ten thousand devils! Where were my eyes yesterday?"