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"Ohe!" said Venning, "that was also wise. The old village stood on low ground, the new village is on high ground." "And a tall man sees over the head of a small one," she answered, with a scornful laugh. "Wait, mother of wisdom. If the enemy secured the gates and flooded the valley, which would be safer the village on low ground, or the village on a hill?" "Yoh! It is strong medicine."

Miss Marg'et!" Her face flashed. "Well, Lois?" "Th' Master has His people 'mong them very lowest, that's not for such as yoh to speak to. He knows 'em: men 'n' women starved 'n' drunk into jails 'n' work-houses, that'd scorn to be cowardly or mean, that shows God's kindness, through th' whiskey 'n' thievin', to th' orphints or such as me.

I kind o' grew into that place in them years: seemed to me like as I was part o' th' engines, somehow. Th' air used to be thick in my mouth, black wi' smoke 'n' wool 'n' smells. It 's better now there. I got stunted then, yoh know. 'N' th' air in th' alleys was worse, where we slep'. I think mebbe as 't was then I went wrong in my head. Miss Marg'et!" Her voice went lower.

"Well, I do," she now exclaimed with her old time gaiety. "Stand right still, an' shut yoh eyes, an' don't move till I say good night! Promise?" "What's the game?" he asked. "Never mind! You do what I say!" "All right, I promise," he smiled. The seconds passed and he wondered what she was doing. He knew she could not be very far away. Then there was a slight rustle and her lips touched his cheek.

He stared, but did not offer to move. "Did you hear me?" I asked, astonished. "Yaas, suh, I done hear yoh, suh." I looked him over in amazement, then walked past him towards the door. "Is you gwine look foh Mars' Lupus?" he asked, barring my way with one wrinkled, blue-black hand on the brass door-knob. "Kaze ef you is, you don't had better, suh." I could only stare.

"Now see yere, Massa Job," he said, "tain't no use yoh puttin' on yoh high and mighty airs to-night. I'se come to interview yoh, sah! Understand?" Job majestically tucked his head beneath his wing as if to intimate his indifference to the proposed interview. Uncle Noah surveyed his ruffled back feathers with increased respect. "So," he said, "yoh refuse me an interview, Massa Job Fairfax.

Pride o' fambly, suh. What might you be desirin' now, Mars' Ormond? One li'l drap o' musk on yoh hanker? Lawd save us, but you sho' is gallus dishyere day! Spec' Miss Dorry gwine blink de vi'lets in her eyes. Yaas, suh. Miss Dorry am de only one, suh; de onliest Ormond in dishyere fambly. Seem mos' lak she done throw back to our folk, suh.

"I'll see 'bout dis yer, I will!" cried the sheriff, as at last he got clear and took refuge in the boat which lay waiting at the edge of the lawn. "I'll have you-all up for 'sistin' a officah, dat's whut I will." "'Sistin' a officah! Who! You?" said Bill. The scorn in his voice was infinite. "Say, you low-down scoun'rel, you say very much mo' an' I'll blow yoh head off.

"Miss Herne is beautiful, let me congratulate you in Western fashion." The old man did not hide his sneer. Holmes bowed. "I thank you, for her." Lois held the candle to light the Doctor out of the long passages. "Yoh hevn't seen Barney out 't Mr. Howth's, Doctor? He's ther' now." "No. When shall you have done waiting on this man, Lois? God help you, child!" Lois's quick instinct answered,

Brent asked, more to keep from laughing than from any particular interest in the mountaineer just then. "In the library, as usual," answered the Colonel, "digging out analects." Timmie, overhearing this, wheeled about. "Mah sakes alive," she cried, a look of horror coming into her face. "You never had nuthin' lak dat in yoh house while I 'uz tendin' to it, Marse John!