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It was dry with the fine dust of waste places, and wet with the warm mists of slumbering swamps; it seemed to Gideon to tremble with the songs of birds, the dry murmur of palm leaves, and the almost inaudible whisper of the gray moss that festooned the live-oaks. "Um-m-m," he murmured, apostrophizing it, "yo' 's the right kind o' breeze, yo' is. Yo'-all's healthy."

Well, brother, I've been a-hearin' about John March's an' yo'-all's lan' boom, but" the good man giggled "I never see a case o' measles break out finer than the lan' business is broke out on you! And you don't seem to mind it no mo'n Look here! air you a miracle o' grace, aw what air you?" "Why, nothing, Brother Tombs, nothing! Nothing but an old soldier who's learned that serenity's always best."

Ah'll bring yo'-all's coffee in de mawnin'; yes, sah good-night, sah kee-hee!" And the door closed silently upon the wrinkled old face and the bobbing head. Having nothing else to do, Blount went to bed, but sleep came reluctantly.

"Brother Garnet, if I've hinted that it is, it's mo' than I started out to do, but I'm tempted, seein' so many friends in one bunch so, to jest ask yo'-all's congratulations on" the eyes glistened with moisture "the golden anniversary o' my weddin' day."

"I ain't afraid of yo' knife you-all might use it fast enough on a man, but not on me. I'll help you," she added. Carrington gave her an incredulous glance. "You don't believe me? What's to hinder my calling for help? That would fetch our men up from the keel boat. No yo'-all's knife wouldn't stop me!" "Don't be too sure of that," said Carrington sternly.

That's what that majo' told us. Says 'e, 'Ladies, we got to fight a battle here to-morrow, but yo'-all's quickest way out of it'll be to stay right hyuh. There'll be no place like home to-morrow, not even this place, says 'e, with a sort o' twinkle that made us laugh without seein' anything to laugh at!"

Gideon's face shone with relief and sympathetic amusement; he listened for a moment, and then strode surely forward toward a clump of low palms. There he paused, every sense alert. His ear caught a soft rustle, a little gasp of fear; the sound of a foot moved cautiously. "Missy," he said tentatively, "I reckon yo'-all's come jes 'bout 'n time foh breakfus. Yo' betteh have some.

But neither awe nor rapture dawned there. She repeated the name, inclining her head coquettishly; but it evidently meant nothing to her. She was merely trying its sound. "Gideon, Gideon. I don' call to min' any sech name ez that. Yo'-all's f'om up No'th likely." He was beyond the reaches of fame. "No," said Gideon, hardly knowing whether he was glad or sorry "no, I live south of heah.