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"Movement is useless don't move, lady! We have you covered " "There, there, children! stop showing your jealousy," laughed Mrs. Cooney; and her eyes rested with a brief wistfulness on the shining niece who plumed eagle's feathers for flights where her daughters would never follow. "You'd all give your eye-teeth to be half as pretty and attractive as Cally ..." "Yes'm," said Chas.

Law lifted his hat in a graceful salute as he approached around the edge of the pool, his spurs jingling musically. The mare followed. "You have a fine horse, there." "Yes'm. Her and me get along all right. I hope we didn't wake you, ma'am." "No. I was too tired to sleep well." "Of course. I heard you stirring about during the night."

She squeezed him as if he were a bag of the million dollars of which she felt herself to be henceforth mistress. "You dear, good boy! Then you are sly after all!" "Yes'm, I'm afraid I am," rejoined Alfred very uncomfortably, and with an extremely ridiculous and nervous impression that his mother was congratulating him upon something she knew nothing about. "Dear, dear, DEAR boy!" said Mrs.

They did go to college at Pine Bluff but they went to the Catholic High School first down at Pine Bluff. No'm they don't help me. They say it's all dey can do to get along. They never have told me how much they make. Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: James Spikes 2101 Bell Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 91 "Good morning. Yes'm I remember the Civil War. I was a soldier.

"'Member him? Reckon I does. I kin jes' see de han'-som boy as he march away wid you'se fader. An' his little Missy is you'se helper?" and she looked curiously at Ella, who was still seeking to gain self-control. The girl wheeled around with a face wonderfully stained and streaked with flour and tears, and, ducking just such a courtesy as Vilet would have made, said to Aun' Sheba, "Yes'm.

"This is a box that came from Pittsburg only this morning for me. Take some chocolates. Don't be afraid; take several. What is your last name?" "Battershawl." "Gloomy Battershawl; how pretty. Battershawl is so euphonious." "Yes'm." "Who is your best friend among the railroad men?" "Mr. Duffy, our chief despatcher. I owe my promotion to 'im," said Solomon, solemnly.

"Chairs, Boy!" says I, snappin' my fingers at Heiny. But Aunty catches her breath, draws herself up stiff, and waves away the seats. "Young man," says she, "I came here to consult with Mr. Robert Ellins about " "Yes'm," says I, "I understand. Debenture six's, ain't they? Not affected by the reorganization, Ma'am. You see, it's like this: Those bonds were issued in exchange for "

I went home and went to the field. I had a mother and a sister and I tried to make a living for them. "I went to school a little while after that and then went to the field. Most I know I learned by myself. "Yes'm, I seen the Yankees bout a year fore the war ceasted. They come to get somethin' to eat and anything else they could get.

Aunt Polly nodded assent with compressed lips. "Yes'm," she went on, "she left him an' went out West somewhere, an' that was the last of her; an' when her two boys got old enough to look after themselves a little, they quit him too, an' they wa'n't no way growed up neither.

"Madam," said the book-agent as the door was opened by a very comely maid, "I am selling a new book on etiquette and deportment." "Oh, you are," she responded. "Go down there on the grass and clean the mud off your feet." "Yes'm," and he went. "As I was saying, ma'am," he continued as he again came to the door, "I am sell " "Take off your hat!