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In spite of everything he did, he had a spice of originality about him that compelled Peg to overlook what might have seemed to others unpardonable priggishness. "Good-bye little devil!" cried Alaric, cheerfully taking the offered hand. "Good luck to ye. And take care of yerself," added Alaric, generously.

"Come down wid ye, then," said George, his voice none too steady, "but I warns ye as how I hes a lantern here an' a pistol, an' if ye bain't all alone by yerself I'll shoot ye like a swile an' ax ye yer business afterwards. I's heard queer t'ings o' Chance Along!" "I bes alone," returned Mary, "an' if ye fires yer pistol at me then ye bes a dirty coward."

An' if yuh don't want somethin' turrible to happen, yuh'll say nothin', but yuh'll behave yerself like a decent married woman an' go to church an' say yer prayers against trouble. That woman with the cards says whatever th' old Nick puts into her head to say." Mrs. Cregan cried: "She saw it in me hand!" Mrs. Byrne drew herself up like a prophetess.

O'Malligan in fact, nor did they pause in their haste, until the Angel was safe in Norma's embrace and the Major anything but safe, in the clutches of the irate Irish lady. "An' it's yerself, ye limb, an' plaze to tell us whut ye mane by it?" the loud-voiced Mrs. O'Malligan demanded, "a-runnin' off with the childer agin, an' the whole Tiniment out huntin' an' her niver to be found at all, at all?"

'Be scairt t' death, he answered, 'fore they've hed time t' start Ye want t' step right up t' the rack jes' if ye'd bought an' paid fer yerself an' was proud o' yer bargain. I took his advice and when I found Hope alone in the parlour I came and asked her, very awkwardly as I now remember, to go with me. She looked at me, blushing, and said she would ask her mother.

"'Please yerself, sez I. 'Any ole holt is my fav'rite. "'Anythin' goes, then, sez he, makin' a rush at me. "Jest then we hear a turrible noise, gruntin', squealin', an' sich. We both stopped an' looked eround, an' thar stood watchin' us a big band o' wild hawgs. "'Fresh meat! we both hollers simultaneous. At this ther hawgs ups an' runs.

''Tis what you may come to yerself, sooner or later, God have mercy upon ye; and as such no scoffing matter, said an older man. 'Faith, I'd as lief cry as laugh to see a man in that corner. 'He's a gent getting up in years too. He must hev been through it a few times afore, seemingly, to sit down and buy the tools so cool as that. 'Well, no. See what the shyest will do at such times.

"But I've never changed a single doctrine: I've stuck like a plaster to the old faith I was born in. Yes; there's this to be said for the Church, a man can belong to the Church and bide in his cheerful old inn, and never trouble or worry his mind about doctrines at all. But to be a meetinger, you must go to chapel in all winds and weathers, and make yerself as frantic as a skit.

Maybe for a few day, zur, ye might take a 'and yerself if ye didn't mind." I waved the hand referred to the forefinger part of it in a deprecating manner. I couldn't pole the lightest and most tractable punt ten yards in a straight line to save my own or anybody else's life.

'An' what's my rights, sir, if yer honour would be plasin' to tell me? asked Andy, with mock obsequiousness; 'for I donno of a single one this minit, barrin' to do what my master bids me. 'Because I calc'late you've been raised in them mean opinions, an' to think yerself not as good flesh an' blood as the aristocrats that keep you in bondage. 'Come now, interrupted Sam Holt, 'you shut up, Mr.